Know your Target Market Generation Marketing and Demographics
Some Advertising Jargon Target Market: a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed. Demographics: statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. Generation Marketing: marketing towards all of the people born and living at about the same time
Get The Big Picture Smart marketers know there are many subsets of every group targeted; not every message will work on every person. Consumers no longer like to be singled out based on income, gender, ethnicity or education, one of the keys to keeping your marketing cutting-edge is customization, and personalization If you don't speak to their lifestyle, a customer will tune you out. There are five very distinct generations that a smart advertiser needs to be aware of:
The 5 Generations Gen I or Gen Z the internet generation or iGeneration, they're the children of the youngest boomers. Because this generation is still very young, marketing and demographics theories are still developing. This generation is the only one to be born entirely in the internet era
The 5 Generations Continued Gen Y They are the children of boomers, ages nine to 27. They're 75 million strong and they have disposable income because of their parents' support. Growing up with computers means this generation is especially responsive to internet campaigns. They process information quickly and are especially brand loyal. Gen Yers like innovative marketing approaches and advertising that uses humor or is "outside the box."
The 5 Generations Continued Gen X 44 million Gen Xers born between 1965 and 1975 are entering their peak earning and buying years. They're tech-savvy and love to shop. They have a high value for education and knowledge. Unlike Gen Yers, brand prestige alone won't woo this generation--let them know why your product is a good value.
The 5 Generations Continued Boomers 76 million-strong group. On average boomers spend $400 billion more per year than any other generation. They're at many life stages: empty nesters or full nesters, boomer grandparents, single or married, etc. What they have in common is exceptional drive and the ability to evaluate advertising and determine its value to them. This generation has a Peter Pan complex--play up their youthfulness in marketing.
The 5 Generations Continued The Greatest Generation Born between 1909 and 1945, today's octogenarian has seen it all when it comes to advertising, resulting in a particularly savvy consumer segment. Having been born during, or lived through, the Great Depression, World War II and many economic recessions, they're keen on value and in general don't "shop for fun" as other generations tend to do. Seniors like to spend money on their grandchildren; they buy 25 percent of all toys sold in America. Today's senior is living longer than ever before, and they want products to help them stay active, learn and be independent. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people over the age of 65 spend more than $7 billion per year online.