JEOPARDY! BUGS & BONES Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Definitions - 10 A professional who applies scientific methods towards the investigation of a crime is referred to as a: Forensic Specialist Forensic Investigator Forensic Theorist Forensic Scientist
Answer: D Definitions– 10 A Forensic Scientist is an individual who uses different scientific fields for vital clues that will help in an investigation.
Definitions - 20 A professional who studies bones for use within Forensic Science is called: Forensic Anthropologist Forensic Biologist Forensic Botanist Forensic Entomologist
Answer: A Definitions – 20 A Forensic Anthropologist is an individual who studies Bones for vital clues that will help in an investigation.
Definitions - 30 A professional who studies bones for use within Forensic Science is called: Forensic Anthropologist Forensic Biologist Forensic Botanist Forensic Entomologist
Answer: D Definitions – 30 A Forensic Entomologist is an individual who studies Bugs for vital clues that will help in an investigation.
Definitions - 40 Maggots are the common term for which life cycle of a Blow Fly? Eggs 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage Larvae Pupa Adult Fly
Answer: B Definitions – 40 Maggots are the common term to refer to the all 3 of the Larvae stages of a Blow Fly’s life cycle.
Definitions - 50 The fibrous bands of tissue that hold the bones in our skulls together are called: Sultans Sutures Suntans Supers
Answer: B Definitions – 50 The Fibrous bands that hold our skull together are called Cranial Sutures. They look like little zigzag lines along the skull.
BUGS - 10 Which type of bug do Forensic Entomologist focus on when looking at a body found at a crime scene? Spiders Blow Flies House Flies Wasps
BUGS – 10 Answer: B The Blow Fly is the most common type of bug that Forensic Entomologists will focus on when investigating crime. The life cycle of a blow fly can be easily tracked.
BUGS - 20 How many stages are there in the life cycle of a blow fly? 4 5 6 7
The life cycle of the blow fly consists of 6 different stages: BUGS – 20 Answer: C The life cycle of the blow fly consists of 6 different stages: Eggs, 1st stage larvae, 2nd stage larvae, 3rd stage larvae, pupa and adult fly.
BUGS - 30 TRUE or FALSE All species of blow flies have a life cycle that is identical
BUGS – 30 FALSE There are many different species of blow flies. While their life cycle may be similar, the time it takes to go from one stage of the life cycle to another is different.
BUGS - 40 A blow fly can smell the odors of decomposing material from: 12km away 14km away 16km away 18km away
BUGS – 40 Answer: C An adult blow fly can trace smells of dimethyl trisulfide, which are the odors given from a decomposing body, from 16km away!
BUGS - 50 What characteristics of a dead body attracts bugs, such as the blow fly? What it looks like What it tastes like What it feels like What it smells like
That’s the length of 175 Football Fields! BUGS – 50 Answer: D The main attraction is the odor that it gives off. The gasses and liquids that are produced by a decomposing body will attract all sorts of bugs. Blow flies can smell this from 16km away! That’s the length of 175 Football Fields!
Clavicle is the scientific term for which bone in our body? Bones - 10 Clavicle is the scientific term for which bone in our body?
Bones – 10 Clavicle = Collar Bone
Bones - 20 What is the scientific term for the largest bone in the human body? (Hint: Thigh Bone)
Bones – 20 Thigh Bone = FEMUR
Pelvis is the scientific term for which bone in our body? Bones - 30 Pelvis is the scientific term for which bone in our body?
Bones – 30 Pelvis = Hip Bone
Humerus is the scientific term for which bone in our body? Bones - 40 Humerus is the scientific term for which bone in our body?
Humerus = Upper Arm Bone Bones – 40 Humerus = Upper Arm Bone
Which bones in the body are referred to as Phalanges?
Phalanges = Finger Bones
TRUE or FALSE The Adult Human Body has more bones than a Childs FUN FACTS! - 10 TRUE or FALSE The Adult Human Body has more bones than a Childs
FUN FACTS! – 10 FALSE While the adult body consists of around 206 bones, at birth we have around 260 bones.
FUN FACTS! - 20 TRUE or FALSE Maggots are used in medical procedures and can be helpful in treating skin and soft tissue wounds.
FUN FACTS! – 20 TRUE Medical Maggots or Maggot Therapy is a procedure that is used to help clean out dead tissue from wounds on human or animals.
FUN FACTS! - 30 The human hand, including the wrist, contains _______ bones: 24 34 44 54
The human hand, including wrist, contains a total of 54 bones! FUN FACTS! – 30 Answer: D The human hand, including wrist, contains a total of 54 bones!
(Toxicology – scientific study of poisons/drugs and their affects.) FUN FACTS! - 40 TRUE or FALSE Bugs can also reveal DNA information and/or Toxicology information about the body they were found on. (Toxicology – scientific study of poisons/drugs and their affects.)
FUN FACTS! – 40 TRUE Maggots have large storage organs that fill with the food they’re eating and it stays there for some time, long enough to have DNA extracted. If the person had been using drugs before passing away, these drugs are consumed by the maggots and will have affects on them too.
FUN FACTS! - 50 TRUE or FALSE It is very possible to look at a skull and tell with a high degree of certainty, the approximate age and ancestral population ("race") of a person.
FUN FACTS! – 50 TRUE Certain distinguishing factors in the skull and pelvic bone can give forensic anthropologists clues to whether they are male/female, age, and ethnic population