It is Tuesday and it is cold. First period – go to country group Turn your homework (event research) into the front box and get a partner in your country group Reminders If you did not write the Industrial Revolution Essay (LAQ), your grade is about to die. Friday is the last day to turn it in. -isms Test is on FRIDAY…make sure to read History Doctor readings
Corn laws – 1815 Great Britain REPEALED IN 1846
Carlsbad Decrees – 1819 Austrian Empire Suppresses Enlightenment talk in universities
Decembrist Revolt – 1825 Russia Movement wants a liberal constitution Revolt brutally suppressed
French Revolution – 1830 France Liberty Leading The People Eugene Delacroix Places Louis Phillipe on the throne as supporter of middle class
Great Reform Bill of 1832 Great Britain Grants suffrage to landowning males, or the upper middle class Changes representation in Parliament to support middle class more
Zollverein – 1834 German States German free trade zone w/ no tariffs Encourages economic cooperation between states
Summary of 1815-1848 England – grants reforms to middle class Great Reform Bill of 1832 Repeal of Corn Laws France – Revolution of 1830 Gives powers to Middle Class Louis Phillipe – Bourgeoisie King Prussia – rumblings of cooperation and liberalism Zollverein – economic union Austria – restriction of Enlightenment ideas Carlsbad Decrees Russia – no peep of Enlightenment Decembrist Revolt
1848 JudgmentDay# 9.5
Liberal Conservative
1848 – an overview Turning point in 19th century Triggered by the “-isms” nationalism, liberalism, and romanticism Other Causes… Food supply problems Industrialization High unemployment Investment bubbles burst Agricultural busts
1848 – France February Revolution Second French Republic Working class, liberals, and nobility all unhappy with the king, Louis Philippe King was forced to abdicate in February 1848 Second French Republic Influenced by Louis Blanc National Workshops – guarantees employment Set reforms to help the working class
1848 – France After April elections, Blanc exited Assembly and workshops are closed – triggers anger June Days Revolt led by the working class…the National Guard teams with bourgeoisie to crush lower classes Workers want redistribution of income Barricades put up in street but revolt is crushed by the conservatives
1848 – France The National Assembly creates a Constitution which allows for a strong president and a unicameral legislature Napoleon’s nephew – Louis Napoleon – wins election and becomes president of Republic
So France sneezes…
1848 – Italy Nationalists and liberals seek to kick out foreign leaders in Italy Giuseppe Mazzini establishes Roman Republic Pope Pius IX was forced to flee Rome Austrian and French troops retake Italian regions Why Failure? No support from rural people Revolutionaries were not united Lack of leadership among revolutionaries
1848 – Central Europe Austrian Empire German States Magyars, led by Louis Kossuth, are hungary for independence Metternich forced to abdicate because of the mass unrest Everybody defeated – no cooperation between groups German States Liberals want united Germany with constitutional gov’t Gather at Frankfurt Parliament Prussian king at first accepts united constitution…then changes his mind Imposes new constitution with royal control…movement for unification dies
1848 Evaluated Many revolutions were spontaneous movements that could not maintain popular support Middle classes came to fear radical working class allies…couldn’t work together Conservatives take advantage to keep control Different ethnic groups cannot work together to take advantage of conservatives’ weaknesses
1848 Evaluated “Positive” Aspects Universal male suffrage in France Serfdom remains abolished in Austria/German states Parliaments established in Prussia and other German states, even though they are conservative-dominated Prussia, others will gain momentum for unification
1848 – Austria Austria extremely vulnerable to any popular revolution Declarations of Independence Louis Kossuth, a Magyar leader, demanded independence for the Hungarians…other ethnic groups (Slavs) followed suit Mass demonstrations from students and workers Metternich forced to abdicate because of the mass unrest Defeat of Hungary…and everyone else Magyars cannot work with other groups against the conservative Austrian army Austrians convince other smaller ethnic groups (Slavs) to fight against the Magyar
1848 – German States Prussian liberals demanded constitutional government and a union of German states Frankfurt Parliament (May 1848) Liberal leaders meet and present Prussian king with proposed unified constitution King accepts constitution at first…threatened by revolution
1848 – German States Prussian King Frederick William IV then rejects the liberal constitution Claims “divine right” of kings King imposes a constitution that guarantees royal control in government Prussia drops plan to unify Germany, leaving Austria the dominant German state in Bund (G.C.) “Humiliation at Olmutz”