THE E-PRESS INITIATIVE THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES (UWI) AGENDA 11/24/2018 THE E-PRESS INITIATIVE THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES (UWI) AGENDA About the UWI The UWI Press Moves to E Book Web Based Platform Building the Future in Scholarly Publishing The Digital Platform - Free Access Innovation Acceleration Leading Innovation in E Book Publication in the Caribbean The Future of Caribbean Publishing – Globalization Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Colleen Johnson, Research Officer, Open Campus Libraries Information Services, St. Augustine, Trinidad. I am going to give you a brief overview of the UWI and its movement from traditional scholarly publishing to our e book web based platform, an in-house initiative between the UWI Press and the Alma Jordan Library at St. Augustine Finally, I will show you how the UWI Press is leading E Book Scholarly Publishing in the Caribbean and its future C. F. Johnson, Research Officer, Open Campus Library Information Services (OCLIS) The University of the West Indies
ABOUT THE UWI Location 17 countries across the region1 Teaching and learning services: Over 49,0002 students; over 20,000 distance and continuing education students Growing international presence UWI’s core values of diversity and student centeredness: making E books available to its students and faculty Disseminating Caribbean scholarship In our online programmes the Open Campus serves globally Here are The UWI links: 1Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, The Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and The Turks and Caicos 22015/16 Enrolment Statistics. OUR VISION: To be an excellent global University rooted in the Caribbean The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson The UWI Open Campus Libraries Information Services
ABOUT THE UWI A GLIMPSE OF THE UWI’S HISTORY 1948 A fledgling College of The University of London with 33 students 1962 An Independent University Currently: 4 Campuses; 8 Faculties3 Mona (Jamaica); St. Augustine (Trinidad & Tobago); Cave Hill (Barbados); 2008 – The Open Campus 3Engineering, Food & Agriculture, Humanities & Education, Law, Medical Sciences, Science & Technology, Social Sciences & Sport. The UWI Press is well known for its work in Caribbean history, Caribbean Cultural Studies, Caribbean Literature, Gender Studies, Education & Political Science Slide #3 The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson
AGILE E BOOK UWI DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION ITERATION An exciting move for the UWI Press E book initiative That disrupts4 The UWI’S 1990’s Vision and Mission of an established traditional publishing model To fostering innovation for the positive transformation of the Caribbean and the wider world Creating an opportunity for The UWI to disseminate excellent scholarship to a virtual marketplace At the speed of light Challenging traditional scholarly publishing 4The development of the E Book Platform is our agile attempt at disruptive innovation described in Clayton Cristensen’s theory of Disruptive Innovation in his book, The Innovator’s Dilemma. We refer to the UWI E Book innovation as disruptive as it disrupts our 1990’s traditional model of scholarly publishing. Slide #4 Access to The UWIPress website The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson The UWI Open Campus Libraries Information Services
MOVES TO E BOOK WEB-BASED PLATFORM THE UWI PRESS MOVES TO E BOOK WEB-BASED PLATFORM 1992 A Not-for-Profit Traditional Book Publishing Model 2012 A new beginning in the global book industry The UWI E Book for Kindle Model 2016 E Book Digital Platform Model Greater indexing; searching engines5 2018 Over 350 peer reviewed published books; 14 academic disciplines Approved by editorial committee: local and international scholars Diversified products: self-made readers for courses; over 340 e books Platform for collection, organization, access & preservation of scholarly information Digital formats The UWI Press was established as a Not-for-Profit traditional book publishing model in 1992. In keeping with changes in the global book industry we established the UWI E Book for Kindle Model with 5 e books in 2012 5We improved in 2016 with the Digital Platform Model using standard Web Technology – Web Browser search by author, subject, title available anywhere, anytime on any device for free. 2018 is a snapshot of where we are today. The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson
BUILDING THE FUTURE IN SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING6 THE UWI PRESS USING TECHNOLOGY BUILDING THE FUTURE IN SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING6 TO SUPPORT CREATION & DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE MANDATE PROVIDES ACCESS TO UWI’S DIGITALLY PRESERVED INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT PROVIDES SOME RESOURCES IN COURSE DEVELOPMENT BEST PRACTICE E BOOKS URL AVAILABLE TO THE 4 CAMPUSES AT: http://libraries-sta- Uwi-edu/uwipress E BOOKS LAUNCHED: 200 - MAY 2016 50 - SEPTEMBER 2016 6The UWI Press is using technology to improve the quality, quantity and impact of research, innovation and publication, expanding its reach across the UWI and the Caribbean region. Engaged in (Research, Excel, Advance, Develop) READUP campaign communication with You Tube Videos strategy to drive traffic to the platform and encourage students to read more. WON OVER 65 REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS IN 18 YEARS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PRESSES (AAUP) The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson The UWI Open Campus Libraries Information Services
THE DIGITAL PLATFORM FREE ACCESS INNOVATION ACCELERATION FOSTERING INNOVATION - IMPETUS FOR CHANGE 200 E Books across 4 campuses May 2016 Through the UWI Press Digital Platform Hosted by UWIlinC7, The UWI Libraries information resources discovery interface 50 Additional Titles September 2016 Over 250 E Books now available to The UWI campuses Faculty and students in institutions with subscriptions can read and do full text searches in their web browser The Alma Jordan Library (AJL) St. Augustine Campus Trinidad won an OCLC8 Innovation Award 2016 for this innovation Technological innovation is particularly important for the Open Campus as it is the UWI campus that integrates the Caribbean region and delivers the most programmes online 7UWIlinC is supported by Ex Libris Primo. We use Primo, the discovery service allowing one-stop searches. 8Headquartered in Ohio The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson
By enhancing indigenous control of Caribbean content electronically UWI E PRESS … LEADING INNOVATION … E BOOK PUBLICATION MISSION: ENHANCE REGIONAL CO-OPERATION & INTEGRATION ITS OBJECTIVE: TO ENCOURAGE RESEARCH & PUBLICATION OF CARIBBEAN SCHOLARSHIP By enhancing indigenous control of Caribbean content electronically By allowing customers greater access to our peer-reviewed e books By encouraging Publishers to make affordable high quality content available By making e books available on a variety of devices We have achieved our objective of encouraging, empowering and enabling our Caribbean Scholarly community while enhancing regional cooperation and integration The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson
Visit to see more E BOOKS AT A GLANCE Visit to see more EXPANDING REACH FOR CARIBBEAN PEOPLE Opportunities to write and add to the cultural context in an e format The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson The UWI Open Campus Libraries Information Services
THE FUTURE OF CARIBBEAN PUBLISHING - GLOBALIZATION THE UWI PRESS REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL: EMPOWERING SCHOLARLY COMMUNITY Across the Caribbean and beyond: Aiming to reflect diversity in foreign languages Promoting the global reputation of The UWI Empowering the Caribbean scholarly community it serves9 THE UWI’S 2017-22 TRIPLE A STRATEGIC PLAN – AGILITY The UWI Press enhances its operational efficiencies and financial profitability E Book visibility/accessibility Enhanced metadata for greater indexing & search engine methodology THE UWI PRESS FUTURE: A more viable publisher of regional scholarly content Worldwide partnerships with other presses & consultants10 Creation of user accounts Attracting international institutions with Caribbean diaspora 9Diverse writers and content. 10UWI Press partnered with The Copyright Clearance Centre to issue annual and/or user pay-per-use licences to individuals, corporations, academic institutions and publishers in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa Slide 11 The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson
UWIPress website Any questions? C. F. Johnson, Research Officer, Open Campus Library Information Services (OCLIS) The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Trinidad and Tobago E mail : Website: Intranet: Tel: 1-868-662-2002 Ext. 82430 The OCLIS: By Colleen Johnson