Cell Cycle: Mitosis
Basic Mitosis Vocabulary Sister Chromatids: Duplicated chromosome; Really one chromosome; Centromere: structure that hold sister chromatids together
Sophisticated Vocabulary Centrosome: called the microtubule-organizing center; houses a pair of centrioles Centriole: structure that makes the microtubules for the spindles Spindles: made of tubulin Kinetchore: structure on the chromatids that connect the spindle with the chromatid Aster: structure that has short microtubles extending from it Animal Cells Only on this slide
The Dividing Genetic Material
The Chromosome?
Put all the picture words together This is one of the poles of the cell This is the metaphase plate
Mitosis: Forms two new daughter cells What is the chromosome # for this dividing cell? How did you determine your answer?
Late Prophase
Late Telophase
Cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm into two individual cells Animal Cell Furrowing is the pinching in of the cell membrane Plant Cell Cell Plate forms across middle of cell and grows outward
Animal vs. Plant Cell Mitosis Cytokinesis occurs differently in each Only animal cells have Centrosomes Centrioles