Mitosis Mitosis is part of the eukaryotic cell cycle, which consists of two growth phases (G1, G2), a synthesis phase (S), and an M phase during which cell division occurs
Mitosis During M-phase, a cell must complete a nuclear division and a cytoplasmic division and faithfully distribute replicated chromosomes to each daughter nucleus
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases
Mitosis Although they overlap extensively, M-phase is typically divided into six phases Animal cells and plant cells differ with respect to cytokinesis