New Imperialism 1880 1914 <─┼───────────────────────┼─>
Terms—The New Imperialism Suez Canal (1869) Panama Canal (1914) “The Scramble for Africa” Berlin Conference (1884) Fashoda Incident (1898) Opium Wars (1839 – 1842) Boxer Rebellion (1900) Open Door Policy – John Hay J.A. Hobson—Imperialism (1902) Rudyard Kipling—”The White Man’s Burden” (1899) Social Darwinism Weltpolitik—Kaiser William II
Suez Canal
Suez Canal (1869)
Panama Canal
Panama Canal (1914)
Image From French Empire, 1900
Leopold II King of the Belgians 1835-1909
Berlin Conference (1884)
Fashoda Incident (1898)
Fashoda Incident—What they Saw at “Home”
Fashoda Incident
Africa c. 1900
Rev L. N. Cheek performing river baptism. Malawi, c. 1890. Kikuyu Mission, British East Africa (now Kenya), 1915.
N.O. Moore typing a letter home. Nyasaland (now Malawi), c 1872-c 1890. Papers of Joseph Booth , Edinburgh University Library Collections.
Postcards with uniforms of British troops
Rev. Ernest and Elizabeth Milford in camp. Yakusu, Congo, c. 1909. Angus Library, Regents Park College
India British used as a source of: Cotton Opium
China British: Bought tea from China Sold opium to China
The Opium Wars (1839 – 1842)
The Opium Wars
The Boxer Rebellion (1900)
The Boxer Rebellion—Foreign Troops in the Forbidden City
The Boxer Rebellion—Captured “Boxer” Prisoners
John Hay—U.S. Secretary of State (1838 – 1905)
Open Door Policy (1900)
Rudyard Kipling 1865-1936 “Gunga Din” (1890) Jungle Book (1895) “White Man’s Burden” (1899)
Social Darwinism
Motives for the New Imperialism Economic Outlet for population Religion Social Darwinism Nationalism & state power National or security interests Domestic reasons