Digital $$ Quiz Test your knowledge
Digital $$ Quiz $2o0 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 What’s in Your “Phone”? On Guard That’s Phishy The “411” $2o0 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500
What’s in Your “Phone” back Special software can help you do this if your phone is lost or stolen. What is “locate the device or remotely ‘wipe’ the data”? Special software can help you locate the device or remotely wipe the data if your phone is lost or stolen. back
What’s in Your “Phone” back You should do this before selling, donating or disposing of your mobile device. What is “erase your hard drive completely and permanently”? You should erase your hard drive completely and permanently before selling, donating or disposing of your mobile device. back
What’s in Your “ Phone” back Delete old ones of these so that they are not accessible if your phone is lost or stolen. What are “transaction text and email messages”? Delete old transaction text and email messages so that they are not accessible if your phone is lost or stolen. back
What’s in Your “Phone” back Set your mobile device to do this automatically when it’s not being used. What is “lock”? Set your mobile device to lock automatically when it’s not being used. back
On Guard back A strong one of these protects your personal information from being shared with third parties. What is “privacy policy”? A strong privacy policy protects your personal information from being shared with third parties. back
On Guard Daily Double back
A strong password should be this long. On Guard A strong password should be this long. What is “at least eight characters, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols”? A strong password should be at least eight characters, combining uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. back
On Guard back Before downloading an app from an unknown source, do this. What is “search online for reviews and user feedback”? Before downloading an app from an unknown source, search online for reviews and user feedback. back
That’s Phishy back If you receive a text or email message from your financial institution asking for your password, PIN, Social Security number or other sensitive information, it’s best to do this. What is “ignore or delete it and contact the institution directly”? If you receive a text message from your financial institution asking for your password, PIN, Social Security number or other sensitive information, it is best to ignore or delete it and contact the institution directly. back
That’s Phishy back These types of communications are not typically encrypted, so it’s best not to send sensitive information via either one. What is “email and instant messaging (IM)”? Email and instant messaging (IM) communications are not typically encrypted, so it’s best not to send sensitive information via either one. back
That’s Phishy back This type of Wi-Fi can leave your information vulnerable when shopping or banking by mobile device or computer. What is “public, non-password-protected”? Public, non-password-protected Wi-Fi can leave your information vulnerable when shopping or banking by mobile device or computer. back
Daily Double That’s Phishy back Do this to avoid landing on a fraudulent site because you mistyped the bank’s Web address. back
The “411” back This agency provides consumer non-legal advice, guides consumers to complaint handling agencies and distributes free consumer educational publications. What is “Consumer Action”? Consumer Action provides consumer non-legal advice, guides consumers to complaint handling agencies and distributes free consumer educational publications. back
The “411” back You should contact this agency to confirm that any bank you are considering is insured. What is “the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)”? Contact the FDIC to confirm that any bank you are considering doing business with is insured. back
The “411” back This non-profit offers a library of information, from tips for protecting your privacy online to how to shop safely on the Internet. What is “the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse”? The non-profit Privacy Rights Clearinghouse offers a library of information, from tips for protecting your privacy online to how to shop safely on the Internet. back
The “411” back This agency administers the National Credit Union Shared Insurance Fund, which provides deposit insurance for credit unions. What is “the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)”? The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) administers the National Credit Union Shared Insurance Fund, which provides deposit insurance for credit unions. back
back Using one of these allows you to avoid entering your credit card information every time you make a payment using your mobile device. What is ‘a digital wallet or Internet payment service”? Using a digital wallet or Internet payment service allows you to avoid entering your credit card information every time you make a payment using your mobile device. back
back Do this to avoid landing on a fraudulent site because you mistyped the bank’s Web address. What is “bookmark your bank’s website”? Bookmark your bank’s website to avoid landing on a fraudulent site because you mistyped the bank’s Web address. back