Mr Daly The Nature of World Order Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018 The meaning of ‘world order’ The need for world order The development of world order over time The nature of conflict: inter-state and intra-state Access to resources as a source of conflict Responses to World Order The roles of: The nation state and state sovereignty The United Nations International instruments Courts and tribunals Intergovernmental organisations Non-government organisations Australia’s federal government The media Contemporary issues concerning World Order Issues that must be studied: The principle of ‘responsibility to protect’ Regional and global situations that threaten peace and security The success of global cooperation in achieving world order Rules regarding the conduct of hostilities.
Responses to World Order Nation State United Nations International Instruments Courts and Tribunals Inter-Governmental Organisations Non-Government Organisations Australian Federal Government Media Negotiation, Persuasion, Force Mr Daly Today Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Non-Government Organisations Legal Measures Non-Legal Measures The United Nations Non-Government Organisations International Instruments (Declarations and Treaties) The Media International Courts and Tribunals Political Negotiation and Persuasion Intergovernmental Organisations Force The Australian Government Factors which indicate Effectiveness Factors which indicate Ineffectiveness The United Nations managed to avoid any major World conflict Nation-state sovereignty can ignore international laws and judgments Nuclear weapon development and conflict been avoided The ICJ have not been effective in place like Africa and the Middle East Ad hoc tribunals have been effective in achieving justice The ICC has no recognised Jurisdiction IGO’s such as NATO and the EU have maintained order, security and prosperity The UN’s inability to use force in humanitarian issues The media is effective through awareness Negative affects of the Media NGOs are a having an impact through humanitarian aid or government lobbying What constitutes a “conflict” and “World Order” ?
Contemporary Issues concerning World Order The Responsibility to Protect Legal and Non-Legal Responses Regional Security Global Situations Global Cooperation Mr Daly Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Contemporary themes concerning World Order The Role of the Law Compliance and Non-Compliance Changing values and ethical standards Law reform Legal and Non-Legal responses Mr Daly Saturday, 24 November 2018Saturday, 24 November 2018
Questions: Short Response What are the roles of the nation state and state sovereignty in responding to World Order? What is the role of the United Nations in responding to World Order? What are the roles of International instruments in responding to World Order? What are the roles of Courts and tribunals in responding to World Order? What are the roles of Intergovernmental organisations in responding to World Order? What are the roles of Non-government organisations in responding to World Order? What is the role of Australia’s federal government in responding to World Order? What is the roles of the media in responding to World Order? Covenants, Treaties, Protocols Promotion and Enforcement Economic Sanctions Covenants, Treaties, Protocols Promotion and Enforcement Courts and Tribunals Jurisdiction & Extradition “Responsibility to Protect” and Achieving Justice Dragan, ICC & ICJ ASEAN (Asylum Seekers) Negotiation and Persuasion Exclusions and Sanctions Awareness and Lobbying Promotion and Assistance Providing Aid Foreign Aid, Domestic Legislation Support and Enforcement Peacekeepers & Extradition Arab Spring & Arab-Israeli Awareness and Influence Public and Political (NATO)