Oedipus Rex Episode 4
Episode 4 The shepherd arrives who exposed the infant of Laius and escaped when Laius was killed. The Herdsman (shepherd) reveals that he did not destroy the infant because he pitied the infant and gave it to someone far away from Thebes. (Refer to lines 1183-1191.) Oedipus' parentage becomes clear. Oedipus rushes into the palace.
Episode 4 (continued) Stasimon 4 Characters Chorus reflect on fall of Oedipus and frailty of human Happiness is but an illusion. Oedipus Choragos Messenger Herdsman
Anticipating the “tragic fall” What does Oedipus plan to do now? How will Jocasta react to this news? Is Oedipus still blind to his past? Make a prediction as to how this may end.