INSPIRE Thematic Cluster on Earth Science Highlights of the activities Angel López – Facilitator Cluster.5
Introduction to Thematic cluster scope Short introduction to your cluster, subgroups, number of members..etc.. Cluster.5 covers a broad set of facilities, installations, utility networks and constructions supporting economic activities and public services. Covers 3 INSPIRE Thematic Areas (Annex.III): Production and Industrial Facilities (PF-8) Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities (AF-9) Utilities and Governmental Services (US-6) There are 41 Registered Experts (US-12; PF-5; AF-7)
Thematic cluster/sub-group best practices Production and Industrial Facilities: IED (Emissions Directive) and PRTR -> Main discussion and opportunity for implementation -> Reporting obligations under revision at EU level -> Discussion on-going in the community. Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities -> Considered as complementary information for other themes. Utilities And Governmental Services: Utilities and Municipalities (Points of Interest) are the main potential areas for implementation. Activity Complex: Easy way for implementation at European Level -> Under Discussion
Thematic cluster/sub-group discussions Discussions still remains at Conceptual Level -> No technical implementation issues so far. Main open discussions: Activity Complex -> Scope Data Mapping to Inspire – Energy Resources PRTR, Reporting under Emissions Directive and INSPIRE. Translation between Thematic Data Sets to Thematic Conceptual Models -> Difficult to Understand for outsiders.
Thematic cluster/sub-group proposals for gaps filling, improvements related to the technical work of MIG MIWP (working plan) There are no clear guidelines about how INSPIRE will fix with in on-going Reporting Obligations. Majority of Data Sets only covering a small part of the conceptual models. Complexity of SDI Concepts, Legislation, Implementing Rules and Technical Guidelines for communities out of the core of SDIs and INSPIRE. No clear benefits/objectives in the near future to justify the effort/investment in thematic communities. Fear to changes in Legislation/Reporting Obligations with potential impact on the work done -> Operational Maintenance – Evolution.