Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Monthly Webinar Series September 2017
Using and Communicating the WSCC Model in Your Community Whole Child NC Using and Communicating the WSCC Model in Your Community
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Healthy Schools Section Team Ellen Essick, PhD Section Chief Nakisha Floyd Burt Jenkins Kelly Langston Dwayne Madison Susanne Schmal Les Spell
NC State Board Goal: Every Student is Healthy, Safe and Responsible “NC public school students will be healthy and responsible” is one of the 5 State Board of Education priorities. Dropping out of school is associated with poor health. Goal is 90% + grad rate Healthy Responsible Students North Carolina State Board of Education
State Board Objectives Create and maintain a safe and respectful school environment Promote healthy, active lifestyles for students Decrease the number of students who are chronically absent, dropout, or suspended out of school Decrease violence and crime in schools
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Resolution On November 3, 2016, the North Carolina State Board of Education adopted a resolution establishing a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework for the State Board of Education. This resolved that the NC SBE adopts the WSCC model as a framework for supporting the health behaviors and academic performance of students; and the NC SBE encourages LEAs to use the WSCC model as a framework for creating collaborative school/community relationships and improving students’ learning and health; and renamed the Interagency Committee, whose work it is to identify wrap-around services needed by public school students and to ensure coordination and collaboration of these services from State agencies and related external partners, to be known as the NC SBE Whole Child NC Committee.
CSH to WSCC ✓ HEALTHY SAFE ENGAGED SUPPORTED CHALLENGED Comprehensive School-site Health Promotion for Staff Comprehensive School Education Physical Education & Activity Services Nutrition Counseling, Psychological & Social Services Healthy Environment Family & Community Involvement HEALTHY SAFE ENGAGED SUPPORTED CHALLENGED ✓
Healthy Children Learn Better!
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Whole Child Pilot
WSCC Pilot Districts Anson County Schools Bladen County Schools Chatham County Schools Halifax County Schools Hoke County Schools Iredell-Statesville Schools Scotland County Schools Surry County Schools Thomasville City Schools Wilkes County Schools Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools
Today’s Objectives What is the model and what is the process? Why use the model and why use the process? Who is this model for and who should use the process? When and where should the model and process be used? How do we best use this model?
What Is WSCC? ASCD and the CDC Translation Tool Education and Health Policies and funding Superintendents and Health Directors Same influencing issues Funders are starting to use this model Lens
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child In the Healthy Schools section at the Department of Public Instruction, we use the Whole School, Whole Community Whole Child model as the basis of our work. This coordinated school health model places the health of students in the context of the whole school and whole community and recognizes that much of what affects the health and academic performance of children results from factors such as access or lack of access to resources, which is a byproduct of poverty. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Centers for Disease Control
Why WSCC? Child in the middle 5 tenets 10 components Community surrounds model Brings education and health into one conversation Healthy Kids Learn Better
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child In the Healthy Schools section at the Department of Public Instruction, we use the Whole School, Whole Community Whole Child model as the basis of our work. This coordinated school health model places the health of students in the context of the whole school and whole community and recognizes that much of what affects the health and academic performance of children results from factors such as access or lack of access to resources, which is a byproduct of poverty. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Centers for Disease Control
Who, When, Where WSCC? Framework and process SHACs Improvement plans Can’t just be the health person Administrators Doctors Parents Decision makers All Levels
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child In the Healthy Schools section at the Department of Public Instruction, we use the Whole School, Whole Community Whole Child model as the basis of our work. This coordinated school health model places the health of students in the context of the whole school and whole community and recognizes that much of what affects the health and academic performance of children results from factors such as access or lack of access to resources, which is a byproduct of poverty. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Centers for Disease Control
How WSCC? Personal stories Model should be visible in community Present, share and speak it Remember it is a process Ongoing
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child In the Healthy Schools section at the Department of Public Instruction, we use the Whole School, Whole Community Whole Child model as the basis of our work. This coordinated school health model places the health of students in the context of the whole school and whole community and recognizes that much of what affects the health and academic performance of children results from factors such as access or lack of access to resources, which is a byproduct of poverty. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Centers for Disease Control
Data Driven Prevention + Data Responsive Problem Solving = Healthy School Environment
Health Data Collection HAC Progress Report Youth Risk Behavior Survey School Health Profiles School Health Services Report NC Teacher Working Conditions Finally the work of Healthy schools is informed by data collected from two sources. YRBS data is collected on odd number years from randomly selected schools and students. Profiles data is collected on even number years from randomly selected principals and lead health education teacher.
Les – we can take them to a populated assessment tool, but with the district removed. I figured you could walk them through some examples, like the following
As of School Year 2015-2016, there are only 5 school districts in NC with one nurse per school. Nurses cover anywhere from 319 to 2,242 students in 1 to 6 schools. (Information and slide come from State School Nurse Consultant Ann Nichol’s presentation to the SBE on 8/2/2017.)
Are We Willing?
Next Webinar Meeting Facilitation and SHAC 101 October 24th, 2017 10:00 am Family Engagement and Community Involvement November 28th, 2017 NO December Webinar
Contact Us! Kelly Langston Website Kelly.Langston@dpi.nc.gov http://www.nchealthyschools.org