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1. Should + Past Participle We use the (should + have + past participle) to talk about things we regret. For Example: I failed in the final exam.____________________________ I should have studied very well.
All Subjects + should + have + (past participle V3) Example: It’s rainy all the day, so my cloths are wet. I should have bought un umbrella. (+) I am very tired. I should not have awake so late last night. (-) 1. I am very thirty. ________________________ (buy) more water. 2. I invited him to the party. ____________________ (listen) to me. 3. I couldn’t travel. _____________________ (forget) my passport. 4. He couldn't enter the class. ___________________ (come) early. 5. I ate so much food. _________________________ (eat) so much. I should have bought You should have listened I should not have forgotten He should have come I shouldn’t have eaten
(Hypothetical Situation) 2.If + Past perfect , would have + Past Participle (Hypothetical Situation) Use (If +had+ Past participle, would + have + Participle) to talk about an action had /hadn’t happened in the past perfect that I would have done it differently. For Example: If I had delivered my work book to Mr. Khalid, I would have gotten 10 marks. (the action "delivered” hadn’t done). Now I don’t give my teacher the book, so I don’t get 10 marks. If I hadn’t delivered my work book to Mr. Khalid, I wouldn't have gotten 10 marks. (the action "delivered” had done). Now I give my teacher the book, so I get 10 marks.
(IF) All Subjects + had V3 + would have + past participle If Past Perfect, would have + Past Participle (IF) All Subjects + had V3 + would have + past participle Example: If I had worked harder I would have passed the exam. (But I didn't work hard, and I didn't pass the exam.) 1. If I had had enough money, ___________________________. 2. You would have gotten wet______________________________. 3. I would have believed you ______________________________. 4. If I hadn’t been busy, ___________________________. 5. If I had had a high marks, _______________________________. I would have bought a car if it had rained if you hadn't lied to me before I would have called you I would have gone to Medicine
3.If + Past perfect , could/might have + Past Participle Use (If +had+ Past participle, could/might + have + Participle) to talk about an action that you had or hadn’t had ability or possibility to do it. For Example: If I had watched a movie last night, I could have stayed up late so long.(he had had an ability to awake so late) If I had woken up late, I couldn't have arrived to school earlier. .(he hadn’t had an ability to come to school early)
(IF) All Subjects + had V3 + could/might have + past participle If Past Perfect, could/might + Past Participle (IF) All Subjects + had V3 + could/might have + past participle Example: If I had worked harder, I could have gotten a promotion . (But I didn't work hard, and I didn’t get a promotion) 1. If I had had a passport, _______________________________. 2. You would have gotten wet______________________________. 3. I would have believed you ______________________________. 4. If I hadn’t been busy, ___________________________. 5. If I had had a high marks, _______________________________. He could have travelled the world if it had rained if you hadn't lied to me before I would have called you I would have gone to Medicine
All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018 Prepared by. Khalid S. A. Al Shahrani All Copy Rights © Reserved 2018