Full‐length XIAPs that retain caspase 9 inhibitory potential inhibit UV‐induced cell death. Full‐length XIAPs that retain caspase 9 inhibitory potential inhibit UV‐induced cell death. (A) The XIAP mutants (M160T, etc), empty vector (V) and wild‐type XIAP (XIAP) were cloned into a pEF vector, and transiently transfected into NT2 cells with a GFP marker plasmid. Cells subsequently were induced to undergo cell death with UV irradiation, and stained with annexin V. The fractions of cells that were positive for GFP and annexin V over GFP‐positive cells were expressed as the percentage of annexin V‐positive cells. Error bars are two standard errors of the mean for three independent experiments. (B) Extracts of transiently transfected NT2 cells were made, separated on SDS–polyacrylamide gels, transferred to nitrocellulose and probed with anti‐Flag antibody. John Silke et al. EMBO J. 2001;20:3114-3123 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend