UKLO at the IOL
UKLO at the IOL in numbers 9 Olympiads 52 competitors 13 teams 21 medals 12 honourable mentions 2 best solutions 2 team trophies 1 ‘blue vase’ 3 triple medallists 1 dream team
UKLO at the IOL in places 2010 Stockholm 2011 Pittsburgh 2012 Ljubljana 2013 Manchester 2014 Beijing 2015 Blagoevgrad 2016 Mysore 2017 Dublin
UKLO at the IOL in medals
UKLO at the IOL in Olympic scores
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame … 2012 our first and only dream team – so far L to R Baichuan Li Melanie Duncan Tom White Omri Farraggi
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame 2014 our first gold medal Ellie Warner Ellie is currently reading Linguistics at Cambridge
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame 2014 our first gold medal Ellie Warner
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame Liam McKnight Triple gold medal winner 2015, 2016, 2017 Liam is eligible for the 2018 IOL
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame Sam Ahmed Triple gold medal winner 2015, 2016, 2017. Sam’s medal in 2017 was the top gold in the competition. Sam is now at Cambridge reading linguistics
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame World champions 2017 Alfie Ben Simi Ben Kamran Harry Sam Liam Vaughan Liow Hellsten Morris Sharifi Taylor Ahmed McKnight
UKLO at the IOL: the Rosetta Disk Languages of the World This is an archive of over 1,500 human languages assembled in the year 02008 C.E. Magnify 1,000 times to find over 13,000 pages of language documentation
The Rosetta Disk – large version On November 12, 02014, the European Space Agency Rosetta Mission, carrying on board a Rosetta Disk ... … successfully soft-landed its research craft "Philae" on Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko
The Rosetta Disk – wearable version One side has instructions in eight different languages and scripts (Bahasa Indonesia, English, Hindi, Mandarin, Modern Standard Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, and Russian). The instructions translate into English as "Languages of the world: This is an archive of over 1,000 human languages assembled in the year 02016 C.E. Magnify 100 times to find over 1,000 pages of language documentation." Each instruction starts at a human-eye readable size, and then spirals inward around a globe graphic, ending at the microscopic scale.
The Rosetta Disk – wearable version The other side of the pendant contains the archive, with over 1,000 microscopic pages. (The original Rosetta Disk has over 1,500 languages and 13,000 pages of information) The Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (327 languages) Swadesh vocabulary lists assembled by the PanLex Project (719 languages) "The Clock of the Long Now" by Stewart Brand Updated diagrams for the 10,000 Year Clock
The Rosetta Disk – website
The Rosetta Disk – website
The Rosetta Disk – website
The Rosetta Disk – website
The Rosetta Disk – website
UKLO at the IOL: Hall of fame World champions 2017 Alfie Ben Simi Ben Kamran Harry Sam Liam Vaughan Liow Hellsten Morris Sharifi Taylor Ahmed McKnight
UKLO at the IOL