English B60 In-Class Essay #1
Introductions In my opinion, I believe that standardized testing is a great way for education system. I believe is a fair form of comparing students knowledge and seeing where they placed before been placed all in the same courses. Some student are very intelligent and in my opinion I strongly believe they are given the advantage to be placed in a higher course The disadvantage for students that don’t do so well is that they will eventually have to take more courses and it also means that it will also mean more cost and more time to be able to complete all required courses.
Introductions Studies show that currently students are being tested more than ever before. The reason why is too ensure that the teachers are teaching what is supposed to be taught. It is also to make sure that all districts cover the same topic. Many education experts say this isn’t the right way to teach that it is only based on memorization rather than actually soaking in the knowledge.
Introductions The country uses standardized test for school children in order to see that the teachers throughout a district or state are covering the same material. Even though they are checking up on the teachers, what about the school children The teachers only try to teach what is going to be on the test and not worry about encouraging students to ask question. Therefore, the country should not rely so heavily towards standardized tests.
Body Paragraphs With that being said, I understand why they would think it is discriminatory because non english speakers obviously have trouble reading the test, and students with special needs don’t really have a motive to what they are supposed to do or how to answer the question being asked. Should you not be given the standardized test, regardless of what the teachers say, I believe we ever had a choice but to take it.
Body Paragraphs With standerized testin students are learning to take the anser without nowing what it means and puting it on the test. Studen are told not to copy the book or other and claim it as there own. If students cant us plajerizem them they would use tere own words you wold thing but that is not the case students bont know ho to put in ther own words.
Body Paragraphs It can bring a lack of creativity for the student making them feel uncappable for the class they are in. They would want a lower easier class where they feel they can achieve a better score in the same test. They can even limit as to if they can exel at college even. Then they look for jobs requiring no skills or even in college.
Body Paragraphs Another issue I have with the standardized test is that the format can inaccurately measure your abilities; for example, my English professor told us a story about her and her husband competing on a standardized math test, and she beat him even though he’s an engineer and math is what he does. She attributed that to her test taking skills, not her superior math knowledge. Also, I’ve heard teachers complain about the material that they’re forced to teach when they believe another aspect or event might be more useful to the students.
Conclusions Continue giving student’s standardize testing are only goin to give low success to our country That why I strongly agree that those tests should not be given.
Conclusions Public school children should not be taking standardized tests so that the country can check to see if teachers are doing their jobs or to see if the kids across the nation are on the “same page” because some kids need more help than others. Other kids need more help with their disabilities and others, like me, just do not test well. This topic is a big deal because our kids can do something spectacular, but trying to make every student standard won’t give them the courage to do something no one has done before and to not be standard, but be great!