The Synthesis
The Assignment: This assignment description is taken directly from your syllabus: In preparation for writing the research paper, you will be required to write a synthesis. This assignment is really a mini version of your research paper and will aid you in writing out your argument in a slightly expanded format. The synthesis will need to be 3-5 pages long and use 3-5 sources. It should be argumentative with a well- supported thesis. You will also need to use MLA documentation style both in text and on the works cited page. Note that in addition to these directions, the paper will need to be turned in to and will need to have a print copy turned in on the due date: November 17th.
How to prepare for the Synthesis: First and foremost, you will need to take stock of the last version of your research paper (Essay 2) and make any and all necessary improvements. These improvements might include the following: Making sure your thesis is solid, meaning that it conforms to our standards (it’s clear, it’s argumentative, it’s the actual claim your essay sets out to prove, it’s in the appropriate format). Making sure your support is solid, meaning your body directly supports the thesis either offering reasons you believe your thesis is correct or providing rebuttals against opposing arguments. Making sure your rebuttals are solid, meaning they bring up opponents’ concerns clearly and accurately and that they respond to those concerns by arguing against your opponents’ ideas. Making sure your MLA is correct, meaning that your heading as well as the layout is in the right format, that your use of sources is documented in text, using parenthetical references appropriately, and that your works cited page is formatted correctly.
Activity: Testing the thesis: Write down the thesis statement to your essay on a piece of paper. Exchange papers with another student that you have not worked with yet this term. Read your partner’s thesis. Make notes on what you as a reader would expect the body to include. Be as specific as you can. The more specific you are the better. Return the paper to the owner. Read your partner’s expectations. How many of them have you addressed in your paper already? If there are good on topic suggestions for material you don’t yet have, consider adding these ideas to your paper.
Activity Part 2 Take a look at your Essay 2. Make active notes about the things that you will need to change and improve and how you plan to do that.
Preparing for the Synthesis: Expanding the Paper Below are some obvious methods for expanding the paper that may help you to lengthen your paper without padding it. Brainstorm more reasons Subdivide existing reasons Brainstorm more rebuttals Integrate more source material so that it is just not sitting there. For example, do you say something that needs to be backed up? Use a source. Back up any questionable assumptions you make.
Final Activity: Make a sentence outline of your synthesis paper. This means make an outline where your thesis and reasons are spelled out as complete sentences. This also means you describe each of your rebuttals using a complete sentence. Also, make notes about which sources support each reason or would be used in your rebuttals. This type of outline often works best if you map the paper out paragraph by paragraph. Since we’re expanding do your best to outline at least 8 paragraphs (including the introduction and the conclusion). Bring this with you on Wednesday for our synthesis workshop.