Applied Statistical Analysis EDUC 6050 Week 14 Finding clarity using data
Today Categorical Outcomes
Research Portfolio Get into small-ish groups Answer the following questions:
What were the most common methods that you found in your studies? Question 1 What were the most common methods that you found in your studies?
Were statistics commonly used or hard to find in your field? Question 2 Were statistics commonly used or hard to find in your field? Why do you think that is?
Question 3 Did you find any that seemed to not use the method correctly? In what ways did they make any mistakes?
Did they post their data and/or analyses online somewhere? Question 4 Were the authors transparent about their approach (i.e., discussed it in sufficient detail)? Did they post their data and/or analyses online somewhere?
Was this assignment helpful? Question 5 Was this assignment helpful? Why or why not?
Next week: Review Session for Final Exam