Lutheran Hour Ministries is a Christian outreach ministry supporting churches worldwide in its mission of Bringing Christ to the Nations – and the Nations to the Church. LHM produces Christian radio and TV programming, as well as Internet and print communications, dramas, music, and outreach materials, to reach those who need Christ throughout the world.
Materials and Resources available to you In this training, we will focus on what materials and resources are available to you as an LHM Ambassador, as well as some ideas for ways to use those resources.
Promotional Materials Looking for materials to hand out at your next event? Here is where you will find materials that you can order free of charge for your event, on the following programs - the Men’s NetWork, The Lutheran Hour/Para el Camino, JCPlayZone, Daily Devotions, and an LHM One-sheeter. Please keep in mind that not everyone at your event will take the promotional items. Please only order half of what you think you will need. For example, if you are expecting 200 people to attend your event, please only order 100 of each of those items you want to hand out. The maximum quantity for these items available to you at no cost is 200, once per month. If you require more than 200 of an item, you may purchase the additional copies. Additionally, we are happy to provide standard shipping. If you require expedited shipping, additional fees will apply. If you want to purchase additional quantities, have more than one event in a month, or need expedited shipping, please call our Response Center at 1-800-876-9880.
Printable Resources At you also have access to Printable Resources! Here you can download and print 8 ½ x 11 handouts that briefly explain LHM's key ministries to your congregation or group. These resources can be used at Church Council Meetings to introduce or remind your fellow members what resource are available through LHM for them to use in their outreach efforts. You can use the Men’s NetWork page to introduce your Men’s Club, Elders, Young Couple’s Club to the Bible Studies and resources they can use. You can also print LHM’s Current, Quarterly Bulletin Inserts!
Online Presentation Resources Are you giving a presentation about Lutheran Hour Ministries to your church, Bible Class, or group? Or are you looking for a way to show your congregation all of the resources and programs LHM has to offer to help them in their outreach efforts? LHM has taken most of the work out of preparing for your presentations by providing ready-made handouts and PowerPoint presentations with Talking Points for LHM Ambassadors to use all year long! You simply go to the LHM Ambassador Web site,, and click on the button that says “Volunteer Resources,” which is on the left side of the screen. There you either click on “Presentations” to find PowerPoint presentations with Talking Points, or you can click “Handouts” where you can find handouts. You can also access the presentations directly at www.lhm/org/resources/presentations.asp We’ll look at both of these options. First, let’s look at “Presentations.” LHM has a general Lutheran Hour Ministries Overview PowerPoint Presentation.
Online Presentation Resources When you click “Presentations” you will see a list of presentations available for you to download and use. To use one of the presentations and to be able to read the script that goes with it, simply click the presentation you want to use and when it opens … save the presentation to your computer. Then open the presentation you saved. The notes will appear at the bottom of each slide. These notes provide you with a complete script for the entire presentation. You can always personalize the presentation for your congregation as well! Please NOTE - If you are preparing for LHM Sunday, you will want to check out the PowerPoint Presentation and Talking Points created specifically for that day. You can access both of those at
Online Presentation Resources The second link we want to look at is the “Handouts” page. If you click on “Handouts” you can find handouts and Posters that you can download and copy to share with others. One thing that’s really exciting in the “Handouts” section is the ministry handouts. You can download these information sheets and give an instant presentation to any group or class about The Lutheran Hour, The Men’s Network, or other outreach ministry programs of great benefit to your congregations . You can also hand these sheets to your Pastor or chairmen of different committees within your church so they can learn about the many ways LHM can help your congregation in their outreach and ministry efforts. If you aren’t able to access these sheets from the Web site, you can call our LHM Response Center to have one sent to you for copying purposes at 1-800-876-9880
LHM Display Boards If you are wanting to put up a display of one or more of the programs LHM has to offer to help your congregation with your outreach and ministry opportunities, here is where you want to come! Here, you can download and print in color, 11 x 17 and 20 x 30 displays of LHM programs and mount them on foam core or poster board, laminate, or simply tack onto your board for use in exhibit areas to help promote Lutheran Hour Ministries and the partnership between LHM and your congregation.
Web Resources LHM Logos and Graphics LHM Web Banners and Links This page has many resources for you to use both on your church’s website and within your church! LHM Logos and Graphics – Find LHM logos and convention graphics that you can use for print or Web purposes. LHM Web Banners and Links – Find LHM banners as well as Web banners that promote The Lutheran Hour and LHM’s Daily Devotions that you can place on your church’s website.
Other Resources Available The LHM Online Store The LHM Online Store – Here you can search for LHM merchandise that is suitable for fair booths and other venues, as well as booklets, apparel, and more! You can use the web address listed on this slide, or from the LHM website, you can click on the shopping cart icon at the top of the page and that will take you directly to the storefront home page! Orders require a minimum of $5.00. For help with product questions or online store problems, you can call the Lutheran Hour Ministries Response Center toll free at 1-800-876-9880 send an e-mail to
Other Resources Available The LHM Online Store Order Free Materials Here is where you want to go to order the following free materials that can help you promote LHM within your congregation: Bulletin Inserts Honor Cards Memorial Cards Memorial Card Rack You can also sign up to have your church receive Quarterly Bulletin Inserts and they will automatically be sent out each quarter. To do that, you want to visit and fill out the registration form. If you are not sure if your church already receives them or not, you can call the Response Center at 1-800-846-9880 and they will be able to tell you if your church already subscribes to them or not.
Any Questions? Check out for more information! Thank You! Any Questions? Check out for more information! As you can see, Lutheran Hour Ministries stands with you and provides you with the tools, professional training, and hands-on opportunities to interface with the world and share the Gospel message in a non-threatening and non-confrontational way. You can find more information about any of the programs and resources I have mentioned today, or discover ways to get involved with our ministry, by visiting Thanks for your time today! Does anyone have any questions? As always, you can contact the Marketing Assistant for Lutheran Hour Ministries, at 1-800-944-3450, ext. 4205 or at