July 2003 HTSG - Report of the Channel Models Special Committee Vinko Erceg et al. verceg@zyraywireless.com Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Current Status of the Channel Modeling Effort July 2003 Current Status of the Channel Modeling Effort Channel models are close to completion Final version to be submitted during the September 2003 standards meeting Current document version is 11-03-161r1 Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Changes and Additions in Rev1 of the Document July 2003 Changes and Additions in Rev1 of the Document Path loss model was added including standard deviation of shadow fading Doppler Spectrum model was added 3 out out of 6 models were changed Numerous small editorial changes were made based on comments Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Path Loss Model Summary July 2003 Path Loss Model Summary Model dBP (m) Slope before dBP Slope after dBP Shadow fading std. dev. (dB) A 5 2 3.5 B C 8 D 10 E 20 F 30 Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Doppler Spectrum Model July 2003 Doppler Spectrum Model -10 dB dB f Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
Large Space/ (Indoors and Outdoors) July 2003 Cluster Model Summary Model Environment LOS/NLOS K (dB) RMS delay spread (ns) # of clusters A Flat fading NLOS -¥ 1 tap B Residential LOS 10 (first tap only) 15 2 C Residential/ Small Office 3 (first tap only) 30 D Typical Office 50 E Large Office 100 4 F Large Space/ (Indoors and Outdoors) 150 6 Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless
July 2003 Remaining Issues Include a channel model with a higher Doppler (100 Hz) Model verification using measured data Polarization modeling Elevation Angular Spread modeling The later two will be addressed after the September 2003 submission, if required. Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless