GLLATT Get rid of distractions. Look at the speaker. Listen for key words and phrases. Ask questions. Think about what you hear. Take notes in your own words.
G-Get rid of distractions
Get rid of distractions. Put away items on top of your desk Ask to move away from students who continue to distract you in class. Have all supplies ready and on hand, including sharpened pencils. Come to school clean, rested and well fed.
L-Look at the speaker
Look at the speaker. Use good posture when sitting. Make eye contact with the speaker if possible. Look to where the speaker points, such as to the board or a poster. Use facial expressions or nod to show the speaker that you are listening and responding to what is being said.
L-Listen for key words and phrases
Listen for key words and phrases. Listen carefully when the teacher writes on the board or speaks more loudly than usual. Listen for cues, such as This is really important You will need to remember this. Be sure to write this down. Let’s review.
A-Ask Questions
Ask questions. Ask questions if you don’t understand or need something repeated. Raise your hand and ask questions at a break or appropriate time. Think about what questions you might want to ask.
T-Think about what you hear
Think about what you hear. Make connections between the new information and information you already know or have experienced. Ask yourself questions such as What do I already know about this topic? Have I ever read about or seen anything on this topic? Do I know anyone who has or do I have any experience with this topic? How do I feel about this topic? What is my opinion?
T-Take notes in your own words
Take notes in your own words. Write down key words and phrases only; no full sentences. Abbreviate words so you can write more quickly. Skip 1-2 lines between each idea so you can add more information later. Copy anything written on the board.