Knowsley Community College Catching Confidence Maria Edwards
Catching Confidence What is confidence? Stand Up If you Feel Confident Enough.....! Confidence is a belief in one’s own abilities to do something in a specific situation Whilst you perceive yourself to have a certain level of confidence this can vary at different times and in different situations. You can gain confidence in particular skills as you learn but could still remain less confident of this skill depending on the situation.
Catching Confidence - Niace Why try to catch confidence? How can we capture confidence?
Knowledge – Who can deliver? Positives & Pitfalls Knowledge – Who can deliver? Learner Profile Learner Journey Adaptations Symbols Knowledge – delivery by a confident member of staff Learner Profile – At KCC we have used the tool with learners with MH and learners struggling to access certain parts of their course due to self-esteem and confidence issues Learner Journey – Because we introduced it towards the end of term 1 we have looked at it as a tool that will inform reviews. Can be used at initial assessment Teaching & Learning, but could be time consuming Assessment, assessing own learning Adaption's – Statements can be changed to meet the need of the individual Symbols – the star represents low confidence and we found that the learners connotations of the star were around reward and good things so they found it difficult to see it as lacking in something – we therefore swapped the symbols and the star became the high in confidence symbol
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