Open Syllable Word work
What is a Syllable? A syllable is a word or part of a word with one vowel pattern Are the following syllables? thumbs up for yes thumbs down for no
Is it a syllable? sat
Is it a syllable? th
Is it a syllable? me
Is it a syllable? B
7 syllable types There are seven syllable types: closed open vowel-consonant-e Vowel diagraph/vowel team Dipthongs R-controlled Consonant-le We are going to learn open syllables this week!
Open Syllable Rule Pattern: CV Examples: ba by e ven pa per a ble only 1 vowel nothing comes after the vowel vowel sound is long (the vowel says its name) Pattern: CV Examples: ba by e ven pa per a ble
There is nothing closing the vowel in, making it say its name. In an open syllable, nothing comes after the vowel.
me How to label words 1. write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify the vowel sound short sound (doesn’t say its name)with long sound (says its name) with 5. identify the type of syllable me O
How to a label a 2 syllable word 1. write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify all the vowel sounds 5. identify the type of syllable robot O C
began Your turn Now check your work Label the following word on you white board began Now check your work O C
Is it a closed syllable? If it is a closed syllable, give a thumbs up. If it is not a closed syllable, give a thumbs down. If it is a closed syllable exception, give a sideways thumbs down.
Is it aN open syllable? be
Is it an open syllable? bam
Is it a closed syllable? find
Is it a closed syllable? sun
Is it a syllable? thm
Word work Write this week’s word work words in your journal. Skip 2 lines in between each word. Then label each word; 1.write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify all the vowel sounds 5. identify the type of syllable
frozen tulip silo relish defrost humid minus robin
robot even profess event propel decal bisect
frozen tulip silo relish O C O C O O C C
filled compost English machine r C C C X C C X C C