Chapter 20 Future Trends in Sport 21 Future Trends in Sport Chapter 20 Future Trends in Sport
Chapter Outline Social trends Conflict between performance sport and participation sport Effects of social changes Effects of spectatorship Effects of technology (continued)
Chapter Outline (continued) Effects of the electronic media Will sport change? Who will lead the way? Who will fight for change? Chapter summary
U.S. Social Trends That Will Affect U.S. Sport Global trends (e.g., terrorism, global economy) Increase in number of older athletes Protection of citizens’ rights Protection of sport investments (continued)
U.S. Social Trends That Will Affect U.S. Sport (continued) Expansion of sport management Record breaking due to scientific advances Changing attitudes toward gambling Increase in coaching competence
Performance Sport: United States Youth participation will increase among those who can afford it. Schools will invest more in college athletic programs but still face financial struggles. Professional sports will continue to dominate; more may develop true world championships.
Performance Sport: International Soccer participation and spectatorship will increase—in the United States and globally. The Olympics will become more professional. Female sport will continue to grow. Drug-testing programs will be expanded.
Participation Sport Health struggles will continue to increase. Development programs will use sport as a vehicle to achieve social goals. The connection will become clearer between physical activity and health and quality of life. (continued)
Participation Sport (continued) Growth will continue in community programs, extreme sports, and college sport clubs. Funding challenges will persist, including competition with performance sport programs for money and facilities. (continued)
Participation Sport (continued) Activities, such as electronic entertainment, will continue to compete for people’s time. Commitment will be needed to attract sport dropouts and increase physical activity among young people.
Social Changes The Civil Rights Movement increased diversity in sport, but minority opportunities still lag. Female participation has increased, but educational and athletic leaders need to embrace Title IX. Women must be recruited and nurtured in sport leadership roles. (continued)
Social Changes (continued) Latina and Hispanic girls and women need to be integrated into lifelong physical activity. As women age, they look to extend their participation in physical activity and sport. Age-group competition opportunities will continue to grow for older adults. (continued)
Social Changes (continued) LGBT individuals need to be welcomed into sport and leadership positions. People who have a disability need continuing opportunities in sport and physical activity.
Spectatorship Pay-per-view and Internet viewing will continue to revolutionize fan experiences. Growing spectatorship will increase participation unless undercut by boom in electronic spectatorship. Some will try to legalize sport gambling. Competition will increase for fans’ time and commitment.
Discussion Would the legalization of gambling help reduce debts owed to illegal bookies? Why or why not? How does fantasy sport avoid the “gambling” label?
Technology Equipment and facility improvements will result in better performances. Training methods will be improved. People will develop new drugs and performance enhancers. The process of recovering from injury will be improved.
Discussion Is genetic engineering a topic for the future or the present? Explain your reasoning.
Electronic Media Sport action will be viewed on demand. Fantasy teams and leagues will be interactive. Online sport wagering will grow. Athletes will be more accessible to fans through social media. Giants (e.g., ESPN) will continue to grow.
Discussion What is the advantage of seeing a game in person when advances in electronic media can bring the action into your home? Will certain sports (e.g., college football, professional basketball) recover their home- game fan base? Can the ‘in person” experience rival the “at home” experience?
Social Theories and Change Functionalist: Sport can be changed from the inside. Conflict: Participation sport programs allow more people to participate. Feminist: Women will assume more leadership positions in sport. (continued)
Social Theories and Change (continued) Interactionist: Athletes will force changes from the bottom up. Critical: Educators can take the lead in determining the value and place of sport in society.
Discussion Discuss a change in the sport world that you believe could happen in the next five years.