SCIENCE FAIR PRESENTATION TEMPLATE The title slide should include the names of your group members and should have a professional looking design/format SCIENCE FAIR PRESENTATION TEMPLATE Mr. B. Pezzuto Mr. J. Pezzuto Mrs. Burt Ms. Menissian Mrs. D’Ambrosio Mrs. Booras Mr. McWayne This is your title slide. It should include: A Short Title that describes the basis of your project.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD 1. Purpose (Question) 2. Research 3. Hypothesis DO NOT EDIT THIS SLIDE JUST BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS DURING YOUR PRESENTATION 1. Purpose (Question) 2. Research 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment 5. Collect and Analyze Results 6. Form Conclusion
Insert Pictures that describe your question/purpose PURPOSE / QUESTION The question my scientific investigation is trying to answer is….. The reason I chose this project is…. Insert Pictures that describe your question/purpose
RESEARCH #1 List and Define Vocabulary Words: 1.___________: 2.___________: 3.___________: 4.___________: 5.___________: WEBSITE ADDRESS (URL): 1. ______________________________________ 10 WORD SUMMARY
RESEARCH #2 List and Define Vocabulary Words: 1.___________: 2.___________: 3.___________: 4.___________: 5.___________: WEBSITE ADDRESS (URL): 1. ______________________________________ 10 WORD SUMMARY
RESEARCH #3 List and Define Vocabulary Words: 1.___________: 2.___________: 3.___________: 4.___________: 5.___________: WEBSITE ADDRESS (URL): 1. ______________________________________ 10 WORD SUMMARY
RESEARCH #4 List and Define Vocabulary Words: 1.___________: 2.___________: 3.___________: 4.___________: 5.___________: WEBSITE ADDRESS (URL): 1. ______________________________________ 10 WORD SUMMARY
RESEARCH #5 List and Define Vocabulary Words: 1.___________: 2.___________: 3.___________: 4.___________: 5.___________: WEBSITE ADDRESS (URL): 1. ______________________________________ 10 WORD SUMMARY
MATERIALS My experiment required the following materials: Be sure to add quantity to your materials list if needed MATERIALS My experiment required the following materials:
PROCEDURE STEP 1: In depth Description of Step 1: Make sure your steps are detailed enough so that a stranger can perform the .experiment STEP 1: In depth Description of Step 1: Materials Used in Step 1: Bulleted List (press enter to insert a bullet on the next line) Insert a picture of you performing this step here:
PROCEDURE STEP 2: In depth Description of Step 2: Materials Used in Step 2: Bulleted List (press enter to insert a bullet on the next line) Insert a picture of you performing this step here:
PROCEDURE STEP 3: In depth Description of Step 3: Materials Used in Step 3: Bulleted List (press enter to insert a bullet on the next line) Insert a picture of you performing this step here:
PROCEDURE STEP 3: In depth Description of Step 4: Materials Used in Step 3: Bulleted List (press enter to insert a bullet on the next line) Insert a picture of you performing this step here:
PROCEDURE STEP 3: In depth Description of Step 5: Duplicate slide if your experiment requires more steps Delete any unused slides STEP 3: In depth Description of Step 5: Materials Used in Step 3: Bulleted List (press enter to insert a bullet on the next line) Insert a picture of you performing this step here:
VARIABLES Title of Table Title of Graph Table: Insert Data Table Below The controls in my project are Table: Insert Data Table Below Title of Table The dependent variables in my project are Graph: Insert Graph Below Title of Graph The independent variables in my project are KEY Label y-axis
DATA TABLE Title of Table Title of Graph INSERT DATA TABLE BELOW THAT SHOWS THE RESULTS FROM YOUR EXPERIMENT Refer to the Procedure Tab in Science Buddies for a template of the data table designed specifically for your project To insert a table Click on the Insert Menu→ Table. Add more slides if your project suggests more than 1 table. Table: Insert Data Table Below Title of Table Header Data Graph: Insert Graph Below Title of Graph KEY Label y-axis
GRAPH(S) Title of Table Title of Graph Table: Insert Data Table Below INSERT GRAPH BELOW THAT SHOWS THE RESULTS FROM YOUR EXPERIMENT Use the data table from the previous slide to make a bar or line graph that describes your data. BAR GRAPH→ good for comparing variables LINE GRAPH→ good for showing change over time. Table: Insert Data Table Below Title of Table Graph: Insert Graph Below Title of Graph KEY What does your graph tell you? (List specific information learned from looking at your graph)
CONCLUSION Title of Table Table: Insert Data Table Below After testing, I determined that my hypothesis was (correct/incorrect) Table: Insert Data Table Below Title of Table Three ways I could have improved my project are * What new questions do you now have that could further your scientific investigation?