Items which have individual functions in the sentence. PHRASES Items which have individual functions in the sentence.
PHRASES I /GAVE/MY SISTER/ A SWEATER / FOR HER BIRTHDAY. e.g. I gave my sister a sweater for her birthday. I /GAVE/MY SISTER/ A SWEATER / FOR HER BIRTHDAY. The sentence is divided into its constituent phrases.
PHRASES It is the phrase a sweater which acts as the object, not just the word sweater. The whole phrase for her birthday indicates the reason or circumstances of the giving.
THE NOUN PHRASE Noun phrases consist minimally of a noun or pronoun, which acts as the head of the noun phrase. The head may be accompanied by dependent elements before or after it.
THE NOUN PHRASE: examples music we him a dog the old man that table a nice day at the beach the sofa we bought in the sale
THE NOUN PHRASE - FUNCTION Noun phrases are referring expressions and are used to refer to particular instances or general classes of people and things. Noun phrases typically function in the clause as subjects, objects, complements and occasionally as adjuncts.
THE NOUN PHRASE - FUNCTION subject verb object complement adjunct My father used to play the piano. She was a good swimmer. The children loved him. His body was found the next day.
THE NOUN PHRASE - FUNCTION Noun phrases frequently occur as the complements of prepositions: e.g. We usually go to a local gym on the weekends.