(Winter 2017) Instructor: Craig Duckett Lecture 20: Tuesday, March 14th PHASE 5: Document Prep
Phase 4: Distribute due TONIGHT Thursday, March 9th Phase 5: Documentation due Thursday, March 16th
The Team Project Five Phase Due Dates One (1) Team Project for a Client (3-to-4 Members on Team) 1000 points Total Phase 1: Discovery (200 Points) Phase 2: Design (200 Points) Phase 3: Develop (200 Points) Phase 4: Distribute (200 Points) GRADED! Phase 5: Documentation (200 Points) DUE THURSDAY, MARCH 16th (Last Day of Class)
BIT276 Phase 05 and Team Presentations Team 1: xx 11:30am Team 2: xx 11:50pm Team 3: xx 12:10pm Team 4: xx 12:30pm Have your entire project ready to hand off to client on USB drive Upload final/entire/completed PHASE 05 to StudentTracker by Thursday, March 16th , by midnight. This is the drop dead time, no exceptions! Have completed PowerPoint presentation ready to go! Dress nice (no tee-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans!) Bring snacks (cookies, crackers, chips, donut holes, fruit, etc)