EVPP 110 Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation – Activities 1, 5, 6, 11 Succession 3A Week of November 5th 2018 Ver 1.3. Last updated: 11/24/2018 2:41:23 AM
Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation – Activity 1 – Fluid Behavior of Gas
Do the gases that make up our atmosphere flow? What is a fluid? A substance (liquid or gas) capable of flowing and changing its shape at a steady rate when acted upon by an external force. Are gases fluid? Yes! Do the gases that make up our atmosphere flow? Yes, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. High concentration Low concentration
You must be ready to pour the gas as soon as it is generated. 500 mL beaker Use empty 500 mL beaker to practice how to pour the gas through the trough so that is reaches the candle flame. You must be ready to pour the gas as soon as it is generated. Trough Candle Fig. 1.1. Illustration of relative positions of candle, trough and 500 mL beaker for Activity 1 – fluid behavior of a gas.
Generate CO2 gas: Add 15 mL baking soda to 500 mL beaker. Add 75mL vinegar to 500 mL beaker. Fizzing reaction between the baking soda and vinegar will occur, producing CO2. When fizzing subsides, pour the CO2 GAS (NOT the liquid) through the trough (Fig. 1.1.) + =
Condition of Flame (lit vs. extinguished) Table 1.1. Condition of candle flame (lit versus extinguished) at 1 sec intervals from T = 0 sec to T = 10 sec Time (sec) (Ti) Condition of Flame (lit vs. extinguished) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Make observations of the flame at 1 second intervals beginning at T=0 and ending at T=10. Record these observations (Table 1.1).
Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation – Activity 5 – Convection in the Atmosphere
Convection: Heat transfer in a gas or liquid by the circulation of currents from one region to another.
What is the source of heat that is being transferred via convection in the atmosphere? Energy from the sun warms the earth’s surface. Energy from the warm surface is re-radiated, warms air above surface.
What is a convection cell in the atmosphere? Warm air rises because it is less dense. Air cools off. Cool air sinks because it is more dense.
NOTE: Even though you will be working with water in this activity, it is meant to demonstrate convective circulation in the atmosphere. CAUTION: Exercise extreme care when handling hot plate and flask of hot water. Do not allow the water in the flask to boil! Use hot mitts!
Use one or more wooden blocks under corners of the clear plastic box to elevate it above the lab table high enough that a ~120 mL insulated (styrofoam) cup can fit tightly under the plastic box, as shown (Fig. 5.1). Plastic box Wood block Cup Fig 5.1. Central heat setup with plastic box on wood blocks with cup underneath.
Add cold tap water to the plastic box until 10 cm deep. Take care to not bump the box or the lab table, so the water can become still before proceeding. Plastic box Wood block Wood block Cup Fig 5.1. Central heat setup with plastic box on wood blocks with cup underneath.
Wood block Cup Use long glass pipet to place red food coloring on the bottom of the water-filled plastic box. Do this carefully so food coloring is not released into the water above the bottom of the plastic box. Fig 5.1. Central heat setup with plastic box on wood blocks with cup underneath.
Red food coloring spots Place three spots of food coloring on the bottom of the plastic box as shown (Fig. 5.2). Plastic box Fig 5.2. Position of three spots of food coloring on bottom of plastic box, viewed from above.
Place styrofoam cup directly under the center red spot. Fill insulated (styrofoam) cup with hot tap water from Erlenmeyer flask on the hot plate, making sure to wear a hot mitt to handle the flask. Place styrofoam cup directly under the center red spot. For 5-7 minutes, observe box from the side, noting changes that occur at all three red spots. Plastic box Wood block Wood block Cup
Sketch arrows (Fig. 5.3). Show current patterns (red food coloring movement) that developed in the water in the plastic box after placing central heat source underneath. Plastic box Wood block Cup Fig 5.3. Illustration of currents (red arrows) that develop in water in response to central heat source underneath.
Repeat steps 1–2 in Part A (adding no more than 4 inches of water) to elevate plastic box so cups can be placed under it. Place two cups with hot water under the plastic box, directly under two side spots of food coloring, as shown (Fig. 5.4). Plastic box Wood block Cup Fig 5.4. Bilateral heat setup of the plastic box on wooden blocks with two cups underneath.
For 5-7 minutes, observe box from side, noting changes that occur at red spots. Sketch arrows (Fig. 5.5) showing current patterns (movement of red food coloring) that develop in the water. Plastic box Wood block Cup Fig. 5.5. Currents (red arrows) that develop in water in response to bilateral heat sources underneath.
Red food coloring spots Repeat steps 1–2 from part A (adding no more than 4 inches of cold tap water) to elevate the plastic box above the lab table, so insulated cups can be placed under it. Place two spots of food coloring on the bottom of the plastic box as shown. Plastic box Fig 5.6. Illustration of the position of the two spots of red food coloring on the bottom of the plastic box, as viewed from above.
Ice cube Place two cups with hot water under the plastic box, directly under the each of the two side spots of food coloring, as shown (Fig. 5.7). Plastic box Wood block Wood block Cups Fig. 5.7. Unilateral heat and ice setup with plastic box on wooden blocks, two cups to the right of the center and a block of ice floating on the left side.
Sketch arrows (Fig. 5.8) showing current patterns. For 5-7 minutes, observe box from the side, noting changes in both red spots and ice cube. Sketch arrows (Fig. 5.8) showing current patterns. Fig 5.8. Currents (red/blue arrows) that develop in water after placement of heat sources underneath and floating cold source (ice cube).
Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation – Activity 6 – Density Currents in the Ocean
Density of ocean water: Function of temperature and salinity. density = mass volume Density: Mass per unit volume. Density of ocean water: Function of temperature and salinity. Colder water = greater density. Greater salinity = greater density. Decreasing density
Elevate one end of box on wooden blocks. Add 800 mL of room temperature tap water; allow it to calm. In small beaker, add and thoroughly mix 25 mL of room temperature tap water, 5 mL salt and one drop of yellow food coloring. Mix until salt has dissolved. Water level Plastic box Block Fig 6.1. Plastic box with one end elevated on a wooden block and ~800 mL of room temperature water in the box.
Do not empty plastic box until you have added all the different colored solutions. Mix solutions one at a time, predict how they will behave, add them to the box, then observe and record how they behave. Water level Plastic box Block Fig 6.1. Plastic box with one end elevated on a wooden block and ~800 mL of room temperature water in the box.
Description of Solution Description of Behavior Table 6.1. Descriptions of predicted and observed behaviors of four water solutions of various colors, temperatures and densities when poured into a tilted plastic box containing water at room temperature Description of Solution Description of Behavior Color Temp. Salt. Predicted Observed Yellow Room Yes Blue Ice No Red Hot Green Record your prediction as to what will happen to the yellow, room temperature, salt water solution when added to the water. Slowly and carefully, pour solution into the elevated end of box. Observe from the side, noting what happens to the solution and record your observations.
Sketch layers of solutions in their final positions. Plastic box Water level Block Fig 6.2. Different layers of water and water solutions (colored and labeled) that formed based on their relative densities.
Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation – Activity 11 – Coriolis Effect
Coriolis Effect North pole Deflection of moving masses of air and water from their apparent paths of travel because of the Earth’s rotation. Northern hemisphere Deflection to right of path of travel. Southern hemisphere Deflection to left of path of travel. South pole Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
Rotate turntable in a counterclockwise direction at a consistent, moderate pace. Place the point of a pencil on the piece of paper so that the tip is over the center of the rotating turntable. Rotate the turntable counterclockwise and attempt to draw a straight line from the center of the turntable toward the edge of the turntable (Fig. 11.1). Repeat 3x, so you get three lines from the center of the turntable to the edge. Stop the turntable and observe the three lines you just drew.
Draw this line while turntable is rotating: Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere Rotation direction Fig 11.1. Illustration of lines to draw direction of turntable rotation for Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Sketch (Fig. 11.2) the lines you drew on the turntable paper. Fig. 11.2. Deflection of straight lines drawn on rotating turntable to demonstrate Coriolis effect on winds in the Northern hemisphere (counterclockwise rotation) and Southern hemisphere (clockwise rotation). Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
Place round aluminum pan on turntable; fill to 2 cm with tap water. Place metal cup with frozen water in center of pan (North Pole). Rotate turntable counterclockwise (Northern Hemisphere) direction at slow, steady rate. Do not vary rotation speed. Continue rotating for 1 minute to allow a current to develop. Add several drops of blue food coloring at perimeter of metal cup. Release drops at fixed point. Note rotation will space them out along the perimeter. Continue rotating for additional minute while observing a) the patterns that develop in the water and 2) whether the blue color stays close to the water surface or sinks to the bottom of the pan.
Metal cup with frozen water. Sketch blue and colorless patterns that develop in the water. Fig. 11.3. Cold water circulation patterns in a pan of water on a counterclockwise rotating turntable demonstrating Coriolis effect on cold water from Polar regions. Metal cup with frozen water.
Succession on A Small Scale – Activity 3 – Winogradksy Column Monitoring – Part A – Mid-Semester Observation
Standard column (control) Figure 3.1. Sketch final appearance of control and treatment Winogradsky columns. Please DO NOT open the columns, regardless of what your textbook tells you! Standard column (control) Treatment column
Weekly Data Sheet pages What’s Due Activity Weekly Data Sheet pages Weekly Write-Up pages 1 275 279-280 5 309, 313 317-318 6 323 327-328 11 377 381-382 3A 637 PowerPoint available at: https://eeltown.org/evpp-110