Water Hardness Hard water Soft water Removal of Hardness from water Ms. Dunne, Junior Science
Hard water is water that does not lather easily with soap Soft water is water that lathers easily with soap
Hard water is water caused by calcium ions Ca 2+ dissolved in the water The calcium ions join with the soap making an insoluble substance, scum. Calcium ions + Soap Scum
Where do all the calcium ions (Ca 2+ ) come from? Calcium carbonate + Rainwater Calcium ions in solution Limestone The calcium ions in solution cause hardness in water.
Advantages of Hard Water Provides calcium for bones and teeth Tastes nice Good to use in brewing and tanning (making leather) industry.
Disadvantages of Hard Water Blocks pipes and leaves a limescale on kettles and boilers Wastes soap Makes a scum with soap Wastes electricity.
Limescale on the inside of hot water cylinders
Calgon is supposed to prevent the build up of limescale deposits on the inside of washing machines.
Hardness can be removed from water by Ion Exchange. This process removes calcium ions (Ca 2+ ) from hard water. The water is passed through a column of resin. The positive ions of calcium in the water are swapped for positive hydrogen ions (H + ) in the resin Negative ions in the water are swapped for OH – ions in the resin. The H+ ions and the OH- ions join to form water The water is now soft and is called deionised water.