Status MIWP work packages


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Presentation transcript:

Status MIWP work packages Michael Lutz INSPIRE MIG-P meeting, 28-29 June 2016, Brussels

Overview Status MIWP actions Status MIG-T ad-hoc actions Validation & conformity testing (MIWP-5) Registers and registries (MIWP-6) SOS-based download services (MIWP-7a) WCS-based download services (MIWP-7b) Update of Metadata TG (MIWP-8) Thematic implementation issues (MIWP-14) Status MIG-T ad-hoc actions Update SDS TG Best practices for data model extensions Common Tools – News

MIWP-5: Milestones Start ARE3NA activity on validation, Dec 2015 Completion ATS development (MD+NS), June 2016 1st release INSPIRE testing framework and ETS: Aug 2016 Completion ARE3NA activity on validation, June 2017

MIWP-5: ATS development

MIWP-5: ATS development

MIWP-5: ATS development MIWP-5, ARE3NA and MIG review Several detailed issues on proposed tests Consistent terminology should be used Proposed consistent structure for all ATSs TG  CC  Test case Review revealed issues in the TGs  2 types of TG change requests vague requirement  document the interpretation in the ATS (to be taken into account in future TG updates) technical changes to the TG  reject the resolution and follow the standard TG update process through the MIG Several issues related to cross-component consistency  flag issues to get a first overview Need for an additional “SDI consistency” TG?  

MIWP-5: Next steps Develop Additional ATSs for Data specification TGs ( Clemens’ presentation) SDS TG v4.0 MD TG v2.0 Further improvement of existing ATSs based on feedback from ETS implementation Discuss feedback on TGs from ATS development with the MIG-T Development of INSPIRE test framework and ETS

MIWP-6: Registers & registries – Status Re3gistry software Version 1.2 to be released shortly: Addititonal authentication method New webapp for the service Several improvements Version 1.3 in preparation: Support Register Federation formats Registry service Releases 6.1 & 6.2 with content bug fixes

MIWP-6: Registers & registries – Status Register federation Format defined for registry and Registers descriptors Tested with MS and EEA data Register of Registers Prototype: Ready for testing at Conformance classes: Core Automatic harvesting Content (to enable search through the content)

MIWP-6: Register of registers prototype

MIWP-6: Register of registers prototype

MIWP-6: Next steps Guidance / best practices document Guidelines for setting up registers / registries for register managers & users INSPIRE Register Federation – Overview How to join the INSPIRE register federation for register managers How to use the INSPIRE register federation for register users Annexes Examples of descriptor Validation stylesheet FAQ State-of-play Updating the Re3gistry software to support register federation guidance

MIWP-7a: D2.9 Guidelines for the use of O&M and SWE Before Overview of O&M and SOS (90 %) INSPIRE-specific content (10 %) Now Focus on implementers Guidance tailored to INSPIRE Previously existing content as Annexes Simpler and shorter document Alignment with TG for download services Technical Editor: Sylvain Grellet, BRGM FR

MIWP-7a: SOS Open Source Implementation Before Implementation of the SOS interface as documented in previous draft of extension proposal for TG No support of INSPIRE observation types described in D2.9 Now Support of additional observation types: PointObservation, PointTimeSeriesObservation, MultiPointObservation, ProfileObservation, TrajectoryObservation Adjustments based on discussions and parallel developments with BRGM (editor of TG update) Implementers: 52°North (Carsten Hollmann and Simon Jirka)

MIWP-7a: Next steps Submit D2.9 and SOS-based download service TG to MIG-T for feedback Finalise and submit to MIG-P for endorsement

MIWP-7b: WCS-based download services – Status TG draft submitted into MS consultation Mandatory operations (“pre-defined dataset download services”) GetCapabilities GetCoverage (even allows basic queries) DescribeCoverage Conditional operations (“direct access download services”) ProcessCoverage (WCS Processing Extension) (to allow queries also on all key attributes and relationships defined in the INSPIRE data models) Describe Spatial Object Type operation cannot be mapped to WCS

MIWP-7b: WCS-based download services – Next steps WCS-based download services TG Comment resolution Submit to MIG-P for endorsement Start work on guidelines for INSPIRE coverages (e.g. encoding) Comparable to D2.9 Need for example data sets

MIWP-8: Updated Metadata TG – Status & next steps TG draft submitted into MIG-T consultation Including all requirements on metadata from different legal acts Conformance classes for Data sets Network services Spatial data services TG re-structured following ISO 19139 Requirements language improved based on MIWP-5 feedback Next steps Comment resolution (7+8 July) Submit to MIG-P for endorsement

MIWP-14: Theme-specific issues – Status Thematic Clusters platform Discussion of concrete theme-specific implementation issues Important source for identifying implementation issues  simplification / bug-fixing of TGs Dedicate thematic webinars, e.g. Coverages GeoSciML Land cover / land use Document of IR issues and TG change requests based on mature discussions on the platform consolidated by MIWP-14 sub-group reviewed by MIG-T and CT for completeness and clarity Some stats… 678  registered members 403  discussion topics 956  responses   89 News items

MIWP-14: Theme-specific issues – Next steps Continued support through community facilitators New facilitator for O&M & EF: Kathi Schleidt (AT) Vacancy: facilitator for Biodiversity & AM Cluster Focus on platform promotion and new strategic direction Promotion at the INSPIRE Conference and thematic conferences/meetings Importance of national thematic contact points! Improvements of the platform to improve its use, including New cluster for cross-cutting discussions Awarding system Regular newsletter summarizing Cluster activity

Data model extensions – Status and next steps Aim: Collect, analyse and document patterns for extending INSPIRE data models Through workshops, the community will be involved from the start on Outcomes: Inventory of existing Model Extensions Extension Methodology and MDA Summary Full Pattern Catalogue (common extension approaches and their impact on implementation), Existing Examples, Toolchains Tutorial Project Final Report Presentation and workshop at INSPIRE Conference

MIWP deliverables – Review and endorsement planning # Deliverable Sub-group review MIG-T review MIG-P endorsement 6 Register federation best practices 7/2016 8-9/2016 10/2016* or Dec meeting 7a TG SOS-based download services TG O&M and SWE in INSPIRE v3.0 4/2016 5/2016 9/2016* 7b TG WCS-based download services TG Coverages in INSPIRE 10/2016 Dec meeting 8 Metadata TG v2.0 14 TG corrigenda IR corrigenda n/a - SDS TG v4.0 2/2016 * Written procedure

Common tools – Status Better tools are an important help for simplifying INSPIRE implementation and use ARE3NA Reference Platform Implementation examples and vocabulary Tools Interactive data specification / Find you scope Now integrated with HALE 2300+ visitors since 1/4/2016

Common tools – Next steps INSPIRE knowledge base Connecting INSPIRE resources Single platform integrating existing ones Focus areas Learn about INSPIRE Implement INSPIRE Use INSPIRE Particiapte To be launched at the INSPIRE Conference

Status MIWP work packages Additional slides

Validation & conformity testing – Why? In the implementation phase there is a need for tools for validation (of metadata, services, data) for implementers to understand where they are with their implementation & where there are gaps for national coordinators for monitoring the implementation in their countries for DG ENV/JRC/EEA to monitor the implementation across Europe for solution providers to check their software solutions against the INSPIRE requirements Validation service available from JRC and in some Member States and projects duplication of effort potentially inconsistent results

Validation & conformity testing – Why? Main goal: Development of validation rules and tools for data, metadata & network services that are commonly agreed by all MS (through the MIG) based on TG requirements  Abstract Test Suites (ATS) Actors: MIWP-5 sub-group Expert contracts for ATS development ARE3NA contractors for ETS development and support to ATS development Wiki: