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Find your WHY?
My WHY I want to walk Ella to school and be present all day I want to be my own boss and not have to ask for a day off I want to time leverage and create wealth that will build while I'm in the ocean I wanted to create something I could be very proud of I want to have fun and be with great people! I want to live my life today, waiting for retirement is risky
Getting started Find your support and share ideas Determine what you want Decide what you are willing to give up short term (tv, movies) Get a plan Incorporate your business into your day to day life
10 steps to success Have a WHY, a driving force People, groups, networks Product of the product Goals Outreach method (presentation or 1-1's) Self training independence Consistent effort, duplication Sponsoring/building a team Get plugged in Stay connected
You can do it! Just don't quit!
Be realistic with your investment of time investment-return ratio Ask yourself: at the end of the week, if you had a boss would you still have this job? Being your own boss rocks!! However it takes great self discipline and focus! This is an amazing business that deserves time, focus and great dedication. If you nurture it and respect it, it can serve you for a lifetime ! Don't rush the process, 85% of people need 5-12 introductions before they say "yes" Build relationships with people My best advice do not take a "no" personal there is no room for emotions in your business. You can be compassionate. Always leave the door open! Plug in every day, learn, listen, meet a new person! I have met the most amazing people in this business! I am truly blessed and grateful!
Be the leader and people will follow Be the leader and people will follow! You don't need a strong upline you need a rocking downline! Nothing worth having comes without effort (marriage, children, education, fitness, goals) Success is not an accident. Nobody gets to the top without bumps and bruises . . . They just keep going.
Maui 2014 who's with me!!! I want you there with me xoxox To have what you've never had . . . You need to do what you've never done!! Maui 2014 who's with me!!! I want you there with me xoxox