Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Call the meeting to order
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Present the treasurers report $85,000 Estimated cost for year $27,000 District budget $56,000 Student Fees $2,000 Estimated overage if all pay fees.
First Order of Business Welcoming new Freshman Parents Verify all have signed in Discuss the Handout for freshman students
First Order of Business Any other questions about the upcoming band camp?
Second Order of Business Copy Machine rental/lease Contacted by 3 companies TCO Ronny Terrell Knight Office Solutions Tammy Moczygemba Copier Solutions Randy Gutierrez
Third Order of Business Setting up Web Page Some Cost involved ($30 $50) depends on site and amount of space needed. Someone to upkeep it
New Business Phone Tree Proposed by Carol Wascom Section leaders would request parents numbers for their sections and if English or Spanish would be the preferred language. Phone tree would possible help spread the word better
New Business New band electronics Boosters are asked to pay half the cost $4,000 Another $1,000 to pay for someone to come and set up the new equipment. Tom McGillen around 13 July 2016
New Business Any new input?
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Standing Committees: Public Relations Concession Pit crew Fundraising Sewing Finance Meal Coordinator
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters (Continued)Standing Committees: Chaperone Uniforms Building/Equipment repair Website (New)
Karen J. Wagner Band Boosters Any further business?