11 Sentencing CHAPTER CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Most sentencing decisions are made by a judge, though in some Sentencing—the imposition of a criminal sanction by a judicial authority. Most sentencing decisions are made by a judge, though in some cases, especially death-eligible cases, juries are involved. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Sentencing * Even though judges are given leeway in some sentencing models, they CANNOT suspend an entire sentence if the offender commits another crime prior to sentencing. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Sentencing * Even though sentences are imposed by judicial authority, state and federal legislative bodies specify the appropriate punishments for each statutory offense or class of offense. ** These statutes are called penal codes. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Traditional Sentencing Options * Imprisonment Fines Probation Death A modern sentencing option is intermediate sanctions. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Goals of Sentencing CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Goals of Sentencing * Modern sentencing practices are influenced by five goals: Retribution Incapacitation Deterrence Rehabilitation Restoration CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
… the act of taking revenge on a perpetrator. Retribution … the act of taking revenge on a perpetrator. Early punishments were swift and immediate. Death and exile were common punishments. Retribution follows the Old Testament: “Eye for an eye.” ** Retribution holds offenders personally responsible; they get their “just deserts.” CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Retribution *** So, in essence, retribution has two philosophies: - Revenge: “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”. (emotional response) ** - Just deserts: “you get what you deserve” or “do the crime, do the time”. (practical response) ** CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Incapacitation …the use of imprisonment, or other means, to reduce the likelihood that an offender will be capable of committing future offenses. (prevent from repeating crime) * In ancient times, mutilation and amputation were used to incapacitate. Incapacitation requires restraint, not punishment. It is popular in the U.S., as evidenced by the increase in prison populations. (Some call this the “lock ‘em up” approach). CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Deterrence … a goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to inhibit criminal behavior through fear of punishment. It demonstrates that crime is not worthwhile. Overall goal is crime prevention. **There are two types of deterrence: Specific General CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Deterrence * Specific Deterrence * General Deterrence Seeks to prevent recidivism—repeat offending by convicted offenders. (Discourages offenders from returning to crime.) * General Deterrence Tries to influence the behavior of those who have not yet committed a crime yet may be tempted to. (Public execution might discourage “would be” criminals.) CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Rehabilitation … the attempt to reduce the number of crimes by changing the behavior of offenders. (reform) Education, training, and counseling are some of the vehicles used.** The concept was developed in the 1930s as a result of the growth of psychology. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Restoration … a goal of criminal sentencing that attempts to make the victim “whole again.”* Crime is a violation of a person as well as the state. Restorative justice addresses the needs of the victim. The following are involved: Counseling Work programs Restitution Compensation for medical bills, lost wages, personal suffering CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Restoration (cont’d) Restitution is money or services provided to make up for injuries inflicted upon a victim. ** This is often a problem for offenders because they lack the resources to pay. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Sentencing Indeterminate Determinate (fixed) Two Types: CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Indeterminate Sentencing CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Indeterminate Sentencing … A model of criminal punishment that encourages rehabilitation via the use of general and relatively unspecific sentences. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Indeterminate Sentencing ** Indeterminate sentencing allows judges to have a wide range of discretion. Sentences are often given in a range, i.e., “ten (minimum ) to twenty years (maximum).” Probation and parole are options. Degrees of guilt can be taken into account. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Indeterminate Sentencing The behavior of the offender during incarceration is the main determining factor in release decisions. Gain time—time deducted from a prison term as a consequence of participation in special projects or program. Good time—time deducted from prison term as a consequence of good behavior. ** CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999) Violent offenders serve only 51% of their sentences prior to release. Non-violent offender serve even less of their term. 49% of the sentence is served prior to release for all felonies. Many early releases have been necessitated by prison overcrowding. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
PERCENTAGE OF SENTENCE TO BE SERVED BY NEW COMMITMENTS TO STATE PRISON Offense Type Percentage Violent 51 Property 46 Drug Public-order 49 Average for all felonies Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999) CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Criticisms of Indeterminate Sentencing Indeterminate sentencing gives inadequate attention to: Proportionality Equity Social debt CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Structured Sentencing Structured sentencing developed, in part, as a response to the disparity in sentencing of the indeterminate model. **Structured sentencing includes: Determinate sentencing Voluntary/advisory sentencing guidelines Commission-created presumptive sentencing CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Structured Sentencing Flat time sentencing is also structured sentencing because it is a type of determinate sentencing in which parole and good time are not an option. Mandatory sentencing is also a type of determinate sentencing. (Terms from Intro to CJ book) CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Determinate Sentencing CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Determinate Sentencing … A model of criminal punishment in which an offender is given a fixed term that may be reduced by good time or earned time. Under the model, for example, all offenders convicted of the same degree of burglary would be sentenced to the same length of time behind bars. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Determinate Sentencing Offender is given a fixed sentence length. The sentence can be reduced by “good time.” The use of parole is eliminated. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Voluntary/Advisory Sentencing Guidelines Recommended sentencing policies that are not required by law but serve as guides for judges. “Sentences” are based on past practices. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Commission Based Presumptive Sentencing … model of punishment that meets the following conditions: Proper sentence is presumed to fall within the range authorized by sentencing guidelines. If judges deviate from guidelines, they must provide written justifications. Sentencing guidelines provide for some review, usually by an appellate court. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Presumptive Sentencing Guidelines The federal government and 16 states now employ sentencing guidelines. Guideline jurisdictions generally allow judges to take into account aggravating and mitigating circumstances. These guidelines are developed by sentencing commissions and the sentencing commissions are established by legislatures. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
*Aggravating and Mitigating Factors Circumstances relating to the commission of a crime that make it more grave than the average instance of that crime. Call for a tougher sentence. Mitigating Circumstances relating to the commission of a crime that may be considered to reduce the blameworthiness of the defendant. Call for a lesser sentence. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 provided money to entice states to pass “truth in sentencing” laws ….money to be used for prison construction in those states that complied. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
…an important policy focus. * Truth in Sentencing … a close correspondence between the sentence imposed upon an offender and the actual time served prior to release from prison. …an important policy focus. *** (Typically requires that 85% of the sentence be served.) CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines U.S. Sentencing Commission Established under Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and took effect in November 1987. 9 member commission set minimum sentences for certain federal offenses commission meets yearly to review guidelines. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines Purpose of the Guidelines is to: Limit federal judges’ discretion Reduce disparity Promote consistency and uniformity Increase fairness and equity CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Mistretta v. U.S. (1989) U.S. Supreme Court held that Congress had acted appropriately in establishing the Sentencing Commission and that the guidelines could be applied in federal cases nationwide. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
The career offender receives harsher sentences. … requires a defendant to: Be at least 18 at time of offense Commit a crime of violence or to traffic in a controlled substance Have at least two prior felony convictions for crimes of violence or trafficking CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Deal v. U.S. (1993) An offender may be adjudged, and sentenced as, a career criminal in a single hearing. “We see no reason why the defendant should not receive such a sentence, simply because he managed to evade detection, prosecution, and conviction for the first five offenses and was ultimately tried on all six in a single proceeding.” CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Plea Bargaining Under the Guidelines Of all federal cases, 90% are the result of guilty pleas, of which the vast majority are the result of plea negotiations. Melendez v. U. S. (1996)—judges cannot accept plea bargains that would have resulted in sentences lower than the minimum required by law for a particular type of offense. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Legal Environment of Structured Sentencing Apprendi v. New Jersey (2000)—the U.S. Supreme Court questioned the fact-fining authority of judges in making sentencing decisions. They held that requiring sentencing judges to consider facts not proven to a jury is unconstitutional. This raised the question of whether judges could legitimately deviate from sentencing guidelines…. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Mandatory Sentencing Mandatory sentences are a form of structured sentencing that allows NO leeway in the sentence required for a crime. (No parole is allowed but use of good time is allowed) Research suggest that mandatory sentencing results in more selective arrest, charging, and diversion decisions and more trials. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Three Strikes Laws Some states have “Three Strikes Laws,” which require mandatory sentence when convicted of third felony. Sometimes such sentences result in what many consider as unduly harsh punishments for marginal offenders who meet the minimum statutory requirement for sentencing under such laws. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Flat Time Sentencing Even though mandatory sentencing allows use of good time, flat time sentencing does not allow for any reduction in the length of the sentence. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Innovations in Sentencing Some innovative judges in certain jurisdictions have begun to use the wide discretion in sentencing available to them and impose truly unique sentences. Many involve shaming. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Presentence Investigation (PSI) Report Before sentencing, the judge may request information on the background of the convicted defendant. The PSI Report provides such information. Typically, these reports are prepared by probation or parole officers. Three forms of reports: long form, short form, and verbal report. These include the PSI report writer’s recommendation. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
PSI Report The PSI report typically has a face sheet that contains basic demographics about the defendant. ** The defendant may explain, deny, or challenge information in the PSI report. The defendant may explain the information in the PSI during the allocution (this is when he/she is allowed to speak before sentence is pronounced). CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Remembering the Victim Since the 1970s, a grassroots movement has called for greater consideration of victims and their survivors. Today, victims’ assistance programs help crime victims understand the system and their legal rights, get counseling, file civil suits, and recoup financial losses. Victim rights advocates want to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution acknowledging the rights of victims to be present and heard throughout the process. 30 states have amended their constitutions. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Victim Compensation Restorative justice programs emphasize offender accountability and victim reparation. They provide the basis for victim compensation funds. All states now have legislation providing monetary payments to help certain victims with medical expenses and lost wagers. The USA PATRIOT Act makes victims of terrorism and their families eligible for victim compensation payments. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Crime Victims’ Rights Act The Crime Victims’ Rights Act is part of the Justice For All Act of 2004. It grants victims of federal crimes: The right to be reasonably protected from the accused. The right to reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public proceeding involving the crime, or any release or escape of the accused. The right to be included in any such public proceeding. The right to be reasonably heard at any public proceeding involving release, plea, or sentencing. The right to confer with the federal prosecutor handling the case. The right to full and timely restitution as provided by law. The right to proceeding free from unreasonable delay. The right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Victim Impact Statements The victims’ rights movement also called for the use of victim impact statements before sentencing. These statements: Are generally in written form. Provide descriptions of losses, suffering, and trauma experienced by victims or their survivors. Are designed to help judges make sentencing decisions. ** The victim impact statements were previously considered inflammatory and were not allowed. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Modern Sentencing Options
Sentencing Sentencing is essentially a risk management strategy designed to protect the public while serving the ends of retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation, and restoration. Just as the goals of sentencing vary, so do the types of sentences. Different goals mandate different sentences. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Traditional Sanctions There are four traditional sanctions: Fines Probation Imprisonment Death A judge’s discretion to choose the sanction type varies depending on the structure of sentencing used within that particular jurisdiction. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Felony Sentencing in State Courts Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2004 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Court-ordered Prison Commitments, 1960-2002 Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2004 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Sentencing Options: Imprisonment Bureau of Justice Statistics (2004) reports: In 2002, there were 1,051,000 people convicted of felonies in state courts and 63,217 in federal courts. 41% received active prison terms, with an average length of 4.5 yrs. 28% received jail sentences with an average length of 7 months. 31% were given straight probation, with an average sentence of 38 months. 25% were ordered to pay a fine. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Fines Arguments For Arguments Against Too mild of a Lower tax burden Fill state coffers Lower tax burden Deny criminals the proceeds of their criminal activity. Inexpensive to implement. Can be made proportionate to the severity of the offense. Arguments Against Too mild of a punishment. Offenders often serve no time. Discriminate against the poor. Can be difficult to collect. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Intermediate Sanctions Intermediate sanctions is a new form of sentencing (modern) that combines traditional sentencing options with new practices such as community service with probation.** ** Other examples are: house arrest and boot camp. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Death Penalty
The Death Penalty Capital punishment means the death penalty. It is the most extreme of all possible sanctions and is reserved only for especially repugnant crimes (known as capital offenses). CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
The Extent of Death Penalty Statutes Capital punishment is a sentencing option is 38 states and the federal government. States vary considerably with regard to the number of death sentences given and the number of executions. Methods of imposing death vary by state. Most use legal injection. Electrocution, hanging, gas chamber, and firing squad are still on the books as a option in at least one state. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** Use of the Death Penalty Even though 38 states of 50 allow the death penalty for 1st degree murder, some also allow it for 2nd degree murder of specific victims, treason, aggravated rape and kidnapping. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** Use of Death Penalty *Those who favor the death penalty generally say that those sentenced to death deserve to be executed based on the premise of “an eye for an eye”. *However, the death penalty is still around because the public opinion is that this penalty incapacitates offenders better than any other; once executed, these offenders will never commit crime again. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
U.S. Executions by State 1976-2004 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Death Penalty Delaware, New Hampshire and Washington are the only 3 states that practice hanging as a method of execution. In Wyoming, if lethal injection is ever ruled to be unconstitutional, lethal gas will be method used for the death penalty. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Offenders on Death Row On April 1, 2005, there were 3,452 people on death row in the U.S. 98.5% male 46% white 10% Hispanic 42% African American 2% were of other races (mostly Native American and Pacific Islander) CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Habeas Corpus Review The average time before execution is 10 years and 11 months. Most of the delay is due to appeals. All death penalty cases get one automatic appeal. Beyond that, inmates can receive more appeal by filing writs of habeas corpus, an order directing anyone holding a prisoner to bring him before a judicial officer to determine the lawfulness of the imprisonment. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** Limiting Appeals In a move to reduce delays in executions, the U.S. Supreme Court: Limited the number of appeals (McCleskey v. Zandt, 1991 & Coleman v. Thompson, 1991). ** Defined standards for further appeals from death row inmates (Schlup v. Delo, 1995) Further limitations were instituted by the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
**Death Penalty Appeals The Supreme Court case of Wilkerson v. Utah dealt with the use of shooting or the firing squad as a method of execution. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Abolitionist and Retentionist Positions on Capital Punishment Arguments for Retention Revenge—Only after execution can survivors begin to heal psychologically Just desserts—Some people deserve to die for what they did Protection—Once executed, the person cannot commit another crime Arguments for Abolition Has been used on innocent people and may be again Not an effective deterrent Imposition is arbitrary and discriminatory Far too expensive Reduces society to the level of the criminal CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
**The Courts and the Death Penalty Up until 1968, the US Supreme Court predominantly examined capital punishment cases if the issues was the way the death penalty was administered. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** The Courts and the Death Penalty U.S. Supreme Court defined cruel and unusual methods of execution in In re Kemmler (1890): “Punishments are cruel when they involve torture or lingering death; but the punishment of death is not cruel within the meaning of that word as used in the Constitution.” In this case, the courts ruled that electrocution is not unconstitutional. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Furman v. Georgia (1972) “evolving standard of decency” The Court invalidated Georgia’s death penalty statute on the basis that it allowed a jury unguided discretion in the imposition of a capital sentence. Georgia, and states with similar statutes, worked quickly to modify their procedures. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Gregg v. Georgia (1976) The Court upheld the two-step procedure requirements of Georgia’s new capital punishment law as necessary for ensuring the separation of the highly personal information needed in a sentencing decision from the kinds of information reasonably permissible in a jury trial. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** Recent Court Challenges Most recent appeals challenge state’s capital punishment laws and tend to focus on the procedures in sentencing decisions. For example, in Ring v. Arizona, 2002, the US Supreme Court ruled that jurors, not judges, must determine if death is the correct penalty in a capital case. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Recent Court Challenges Still, most U.S. Supreme Court justices believe in that the “death sentence” is fundamentally constitutional. It is the means of execution and the population of those to be executed (like age and mental inability) that are coming to be questioned. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
Death Penalty One reason a defendant may file an appeal based on legal grounds is for defects in the jury selection. One reason a defendant may file an appeal based on constitutional grounds is for illegal search and seizure. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.
** The Future of the Death Penalty There is little common ground between death penalty advocates & opponents. The future of the death penalty likely rests with state legislatures. CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL By Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc.