Detection by TEM of integral HIV‐1 capsids at the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore. Detection by TEM of integral HIV‐1 capsids at the cytoplasmic face.


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Presentation transcript:

Detection by TEM of integral HIV‐1 capsids at the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore. Detection by TEM of integral HIV‐1 capsids at the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear pore. (A) Fluorescence confocal images of P4 cells 72 h p.i with an HR‐Luc vector. Nuclei are visualized with DAPI staining. Nuclear pores are labeled with mouse monoclonal QE5 antibody (kind gift from Dr U Aebi), which recognizes CAN/Nup214, p62, and p153. CA is labeled using a polyclonal anti‐p24 antibody. Right‐hand panels are greater magnifications of the boxed area. Arrows point to points of colocalization between p24(CA) and NPCs. Scale bars=3 μm (left‐hand panels) and 500 nm (right‐hand panels). (B) MT4 cells were infected with cPPT‐225T virus and nuclei were isolated 48 h p.i. Upper panel: ultrastructure image showing a capsid‐like structure at close proximity of the nuclear membrane and two nuclear pores. Lower panel: immunogold staining with anti‐p24(CA) antibodies (gold beads=1 nm) confirms the viral nature of the capsid. N, nucleus; ne, nuclear envelope; npc, nuclear pore complex. Scale bars=100 nm. Nathalie J Arhel et al. EMBO J. 2007;26:3025-3037 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend