The Wonderful World of the Magic Square By Susan, Brian and Sylvia 11/24/2018 The Magic Square
What is a Magic Square A magic square is a quadratic scheme of numbers which adds up vertically, horizontally and diagonally to the same sum Only the numbers 1 through n² can be used. Ex. If you have a 3x3 magic square your n will equal 3. With this equation you can use numbers 1 through 3² (9). Each number can only be used once. 11/24/2018 The Magic Square
Probability of the Magic Square The probability of getting a “magic square” is (n²)!. This is basically the factorial of the number of boxes in your square. The Basic 3x3 magic square is 9!. That’s one out of 362880. What kind of business could use these odds? TRY YOUR OWN MAGIC SQUARE Visit: 11/24/2018 The Magic Square
VIVA LAS VEGAS! Las Vegas casinos use these mathematical odds for ½ of their slot machines The TIC-TAC-TOE slots gives you a chance to match a vertical, horizontal, diagonal row for cash prizes. Professor Caftori was unable to convince the board to take a class field trip to the local river boats for more hands on experience. 11/24/2018 The Magic Square
The Magic Square with C++ 4 3 8 9 5 1 2 7 6 11/24/2018 The Magic Square
The Job Field After a degree, three years experience and knowledge of the “Magic Square”, you could be earning: $90,000 11/24/2018 The Magic Square