What’s happening at the academy?
Happy Diwali It is Diwali on Wednesday. If you are celebrating have a great day
Camp 2019 Any Year 8 interested in the 2019 Exmouth Camp must return their reply slips to student reception by 10th November Any questions see Mrs Parbery
Drama Club Drama Club will run at Lunchtime on Fridays from 1.30pm to 1.55 pm. It will take place in the Drama Studio (Room 28)
Remembrance Sunday It is Remembrance Day on Sunday November 11th We will have a remembrance gathering on Friday Mr Manton will pass on details during the week
Year 11 – Post 16 options All year 11 students will need to apply for their next stage of education (including apprenticeships) before Christmas. UCAS Progress will be launched on 6th November in your PSHCE lesson, and in preparation for this there are some open days coming up. If you are not sure of what you are looking for after GCSEs, it is worth attending open days. If you would like an appointment with Miss Martin regarding options for post 16 – ask your tutor to forward your name.
Open days – Further education Wigston College: Wednesday 7th November 2018; 6pm-8pm Start talking to your teachers now! South Leicestershire College: Thursday 29th November 2018; 5pm-8pm Leicester College: Saturday 24th November 2018 ; 11am – 3pm
Year 10 - Work Experience You should have returned your Parental Consent forms already but a reminder: Employer forms need to be returned straight after Christmas
Yr 10 & 11 GCSE English ‘Drop In’ Drop in sessions every Wednesday lunchtime in room 30 (Mr Mackay's room). A chance to complete homework, ask questions about the GCSE texts, go through elements of English you are unsure of...anything to do with GCSE English. It's drop in, so please just come along and stay for as long as you need to...there's no minimum or maximum.
A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5 Maths Homework Club A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5
Year 11 Geography News Walking Talking Mock week commencing 19th November (you don’t need to revise.) 2 PPE weeks commencing 3rd December (you do need to revise topics: Dynamic Development, Sustaining Ecosystems, Resource Reliance, Distinctive Landscapes, Changing Climates.) Intervention room 14 Wednesday afterschool open to all every week.
Year 11 Geography Intervention Hungry to revise come to the following sessions- we provide biscuits! Wednesday after school! Along with the chosen few all geography students are welcome. Topic When Who Where Fieldwork-skills 7th November Mr Notley Rm 17 Case study answers 14th November Mr Cotterill Rm 13 Exam question skills 21st November Mr Dixon Rm 14 Data based questions 28th November Mrs Norton Rm 16 Fieldwork-conclusions 5th December
This week in PE It’s another busy week with plenty going on TUESDAY: Year 9 Football v St Paul’s (Away) – National Cup YEAR 7/8/9 FOOTBALL TRAINING IS CANCELLED DUE TO THE FIXTURE. TUESDAY: All Years Netball Training WEDNESDAY: Year 7 Football v South Wigston (Away) – National Cup WEDNESDAY: Year 8 Football v South Wigston (Away) – National Cup WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club (Site B) WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9/10 Boy’s Rugby Club THURSDAY: Year 8 Girl’s Football v CLCC (Home) – National Cup THURSDAY: Primary Cross Country – Year 9 Sports Leaders THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club (Site C) FRIDAY: Year 10 Girl’s Football v Fernwood (Home) – National Cup
Message from Miss Watkiss Beauty and the Beast Schedule is on the Drama notice board in the Academy and the Music corridor at the College. PLEASE LOOK AT WHEN YOU ARE CALLED Please be prompt to rehearsals at lunch and after school when you have been called. Please let Miss Watkiss know if you are not available for rehearsals. REHEARSALS FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT AND CAROL SERVICES WILL START MONDAY 22ND OCTOBER AT LUNCHTIME, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE THERE. ROOM 29, ALL WELCOME
Christmas Card Competition Your challenge is to design a Christmas card for Wigston Academy and Wigston College for 2018 You must draw your design into the box on the sheet available from ADT staff The judges will be looking for - imagination use of colour degree of skill relevance to Christmas Prizes will be awarded for the best designs. The winning design will be sent to all parents! Entries must be given to your ADT teacher by 26th of November (no entries can be accepted after this date)
Badminton Club When: Wednesday in site B sports hall from 3.10- 4.10pm At site C for this week only Open to Yr 7,8 and 9 All abilities welcome.
Dance Club (Year 7 – 9) Dance Club will take place in site A hall every Monday Lunchtime All Welcome
Dance Academy Dance Academy will take place at site C Dance Studios every Wednesday 3:10 – 4:30pm If you would like to become a member please come along for a taster and the teacher will discuss suitability at the end of the session
Music Reminders… Orchestra - Wednesday 3.10pm-4.15pm - College Hall Big Band - Friday 3.10pm-4.5pm - A0.13
Ski Paperwork Quick reminder from Mrs Parbery To those who are going skiing just a reminder that there are a number of forms to be completed and deadlines are set in stone
Message re Intervention (Yr11 only) You MUST attend the sessions you have been invited to – please speak to your teachers if there are reasons that you cannot attend. But, if you are free (not allocated a specific intervention THIS cycle) you can take ENGLISH/SCIENCE/MATHS up on their offer of extra support! Tuesdays at 3.10- 4.00pm English- Drop-in for ALL Wednesdays at 3.10- 4.00pm Science - Drop-in for ALL Thursdays at 3.10- 4.00pm Maths - Drop-in for ALL
Intervention continued WHEN: WHERE: Business Thursday PM Geography Wednesday PM Child Development History Tuesday PM Computer Science Friday Lunch Maths Dance Wednesday Lunch Music Drama OCR PE English Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition French Science GCSE PE Textiles Tuesday Lunch Travel Business Room A2.4 Geography Room 14 Child Development Room C1.11 History Room 9 Computer Science Room C1.3 Maths Room 41 Dance Room F2 Music Room A0.12 Drama OCR PE Room ICT 5 English Room 27 Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition Room ICT 4 French Room 3 Science Room S5 GCSE PE Room 48 Textiles Room ADT3 Travel Room C1.12
Message from Mr Mitchley and Mr Wilson Dining Room Rubbish Simply put the Dining Room is a disgrace. You are letting yourselves down and we as a school expect better of you. These pictures are from Thursday lunchtime.
Have a good week