SUBSTITUTION 8th Grade/Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION How did the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will analyze a video to determine how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Steps: Each student will go to my BB page (Arnett Middle/Mrs. Warner/website & videos). Open the link ( to the video titled, Mississippi River Flood of 1927 and watch the video. Take notes. Be ready to share your learning in a whole group discussion. Featured Source: Know Louisiana Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Laptop or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Delicia Warner School: S.P. Arnett Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Save video on Blackboard prior to assignment. Assessment: Informal
AUGMENTATION How did the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana? 8th Grade/Unit 4 Formative Performance Task 2 AUGMENTATION Description of Formative Performance Task: You will use Quizlet to answer questions that pertain to how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Steps: Each student will go to my BB page (Arnett Middle/Mrs. Warner/website & videos). Open link ( titled, Louisiana History Huey Long and The 1927 Flood. Click on the tab titled “Learn” and follow the steps to participate in the activity. Be sure to raise your hand when you complete the activity for teacher approval. You can repeat until stop time. Quizlet Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Laptop or iPad with internet access Featured Source: Teacher Name: Delicia Warner School: S. P. Arnett Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Save Quizlet url on blackboard prior to assignment Assessment: Informal teacher & self assessment
MODIFICATION 8th Grade/Unit 4 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION How did the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use Shadow Puppet Edu to create a group video that will answer questions about how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Steps: 1. In groups, you will create 7 questions and answers pertaining to how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. 2. As a group, create a video on the iPad (camera roll) of at least 5 of your 7 questions and answers. This can be done any way you would like it to be presented in the video (interview, pretend class, documentary, etc). 3. One student open Shadow Puppet Edu app on iPad for the group. Save video created to app. From here, edit, combine, add picture(s), etc. to finalize your video. 4. Be ready to share your video using apple TV. Featured Source: Shadow Puppet Edu Featured Tech Tools: Shadow Puppet Edu app iPad with internet access Apple TV Teacher Name: Delicia Warner School: S. P. Arnett Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Shadow Puppet Edu app needs to be on iPads; demonstrate to students how to use prior to assignment Assessment: Video
REDEFINITION 8th Grade/Unit 4 Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION How did the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will use Google Slides to summarize the affects of the Flood of 1927 on Louisiana and evaluate (comment) 3 other peer’s slides. Steps (as written as student directives) 1. . Each student will go to my BB page (Arnett Middle/Mrs. Warner/website & videos). Open the link for Google Slides. On your assigned slide number, type a summary of how the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana. Summary must contain at least 7 well written sentences with an introductory and a concluding sentence. After completing your summary, respond/comment on 3 of your peers summaries in the “speaker notes” section at the bottom of the slide. Be sure to type your name before your comment to receive credit for peer evaluations. Featured Source: Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Blackboard Laptop or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Delicia Warner School: S. P. Arnett Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Google slide needs to be on Blackboard prior to assignment & number of slides used per class needs to be set up. Assign students to a slide number. Copy the link ( and rename and save for each class you teach. The link will change as you save for each class. Assessment: Individual slide and 3 comments
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Delicia Warner Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description): 8.2.7 Explain major social, political, and economic changes that affected Louisiana during the Progressive, Great Depression, and Huey Long eras How did the Flood of 1927 affect Louisiana? Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will use Google Slides to summarize the affects of the Flood of 1927 on Louisiana and evaluate (comment) 3 other peer’s slides. Google Slide Blackboard Laptop or iPad with internet access You will use Shadow Puppet Edu to create a group video that will answer questions about how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Shadow Puppet Edu Shadow Puppet Edu app iPad with internet access Apple TV You will use Quizlet to answer questions that pertain to how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Quizlet You will analyze a video to determine how the Flood of 1927 affected Louisiana. Know Louisiana REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.