CALO Decoder Progress Report for April/May Arthur (Decoder and ICSI Training) Jahanzeb (Decoder) Yitao (Decoder) Ziad (ICSI Training) Moss (ICSI Training) Carnegie Mellon University Apr 13, 2004
This Presentation (5 pages) Progress report for April/May In March Sphinx 3.4 is not ready Just start the script conversion for training In April/May Sphinx 3.4 is ready for release First-cut of AM and LM is done. (Thanks for Rita!)
Decoder Speed Accuracy Outlook in next 3 months (in 3.5) Compiler Optimization Doesn’t beat loop-unrolling However not using –D and using –ffast-math helps Phoneme-lookahead completes Accuracy Train a continuous HMM using all Communicator data. (S2 17% -> S3.4 14%) 64 mixtures will give us 12% ERR. Speed not-tuned. Outlook in next 3 months (in 3.5) WSJ: potential speed-up problem in task with > 5000 words. Speaker Adaptation: VTLN, MLLR, and techniques for fast enrollment Front-end transformation : LDA, HLDA, …… Model Combination experiment.
Decoder (Software) Release this week Not included (will be in 3.5) Mainly to replace buggy s3.3 Not included (will be in 3.5) Live mode APIs (Yitao , 80% completion) Outlook in next 3 months. Can learn from AHTK 1.3 Access of the models’ parameters? Server interface? Confidence measures?
ICSI Training Moss –LM training (done) Arthur/Ziad – 1 meeting training (done) Rita (Thanks!) – all meetings training (done) Current results (16 mixture, LM train for in-domain meeting) – 36.4% Different from the standard test set. Outlook in next 3 months Learn the magic from Rita, Wrap-up training script with perl. (Optional) Find a better test set. Start to improve the performance. With speaker adaptation technology. Class-based LM PLP
Infrastructure/Miscellaneous CVS is setup for MRCP ICSI conversion script Sphinx (will move back to Sourceforge.) Development is transitioning. Check-in training scripts? Scylla and Karybdis are running On a separate queue. Documentation for Sphinx. 3rd draft of outline completed. (9 chapters left.) …… () Outlook in next 3 months, Continue to maintain CVS. User education. Complete the 2nd draft of the documentation.
Outlook in next 3 months. Incorporate transform-based technology Speed-up for task > 5k words. Further improve ICSI training by all resources Transition development to CVS.