6th grade History Standards
SS6H1a Who was Hernan Cortes?
Spanish Conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire
SS6H1a Who was Montezuma?
ruler of Tenochtitlan, reigning from 1502 to 1520 ruler of Tenochtitlan, reigning from 1502 to 1520. The first contact between indigenous civilizations of Mesoamerica and Europeans took place during his reign, and he was killed during the initial stages of the Spanish
SS6H1a How was Cortes able to defeat the Aztecs?
With the help of the Aztecs enemies and their weapons (iron steel points on their spears) Muskets
SS6H1a Who was Francisco Pizarro?
He defeated the Incas
SS6H1a Who was Atahualpa?
Last ruler of the Incas Empire
Spanish arrived? What happened to the indigenous people when the SS6H1b What happened to the indigenous people when the Spanish arrived?
Many died of diseases
Name 3 things that changed as a result of the Columbian Exchange. SS6H1b Name 3 things that changed as a result of the Columbian Exchange.
Crops Animals Resources Diseases
SS6H2a What affect did African slaves have on Latin America’s culture?
Increase production of sugar and coffee Negative effect on the poor slaves Catholic church came to the defense of slaves More freedom than in NA, some could marry Learn to read and write
SS6H2b Why do people in Brazil speak Portuguese?
Was a colony of Portugal
World. (think culturally) SS6H2b Name 2 things that the Spanish brought to the New World. (think culturally)
New foods and diseases
Name the country the following people helped get independence for: SS6H2c Name the country the following people helped get independence for:
Toussaint L’ Ouverture Simon Bolivar Miguel Hidalgo SS6H2c Toussaint L’ Ouverture Simon Bolivar Miguel Hidalgo
Toussaint L’ Ouverture- Haiti Simon Bolivar- S A Miguel Hidalgo-Mexico SS6H2c Toussaint L’ Ouverture- Haiti Simon Bolivar- S A Miguel Hidalgo-Mexico
SS6H3a What was the Cuban Revolution?
SS6H3b Who were the Zapatistas in Mexico?
SS6H4a Why does Canada have 2 official languages?
English French
SS6H4b How did Canada get its independence?
At first, people were starting to rebel Great Britain At first, people were starting to rebel Great Britain. Great Britain was worried. If people start getting stronger and stronger, they could lose. Also, smaller provinces like New Brunswick could attack ships coming in. They decided to sign a treaty giving Canada independence. Great Britain helped Canada a little bit but Canada was on its own.
SS6H5a Why does Quebec want independence?
Quebec’s Independence Movement Unit 5 Notes
The Province of Quebec Located in eastern Canada Large part of Canadian industry is centered in Quebec Many electronics and computer factories are based here French is the official language of business and government in Quebec 81% speak French as 1st language
Canadian History Review: Canada was originally colonized by French (fur trade) British wanted part of the fur trade; fought & won French and Indian War Divided Canada into Upper Canada (British) and Lower Canada (French) “Lower Canada” is now called Quebec Canada was united in 1867--British North America Act But Quebec is still predominately French
French & British Soldiers in Quebec
Early 1900s Most French Canadian families had been living in Quebec for hundreds of years Spoke French & had a different culture than English-speaking Canadians Majority lived on farms and rarely left their villages Most French Canadians were Catholic, while the majority of British Canadians were Protestant
A Separate Quebec Idea of a separate French Canada spread slowly At first, most French Canadians did not think that Quebec needed independence just to be French By the 1960s, however, thinking had changed… Many French Canadians had become Quebec nationalists & thought of themselves as Quebecois, not Canadians
A Separate Quebec By this time, Quebec had changed in many ways… Growing populations pushed into farmlands & rural people grew poor Many chose to leave farms & move to cities Lives were very different now: Stopped going to Catholic churches No longer led a traditional lifestyle English was spoken in most cities, while French was not
Quebec’s Independence Many French Canadians felt that their language & culture might disappear French language & culture was overwhelmed by English Tired of feeling like second class citizens in their own country Most started to think that Quebec should secede from Canada (be independent) Separatists--want Quebec to “separate” from Canada
Pros for Separating Those who supported Quebec separatism want: to protect French language and culture to be treated as equals with English-speaking Canadians other Canadians to respect French language and culture to preserve French Canadian culture for future generations
Cons for Separating Those who opposed Quebec separatism argued that separatism would: result in economic disaster for Quebec Ruin national unity and pride
Let the People Decide 1980 & 1995--people of Quebec voted whether or not to secede Both votes were in favor of staying Canadian Last vote--49.4% voted to secede; 50.6% voted to stay Canadian…wow! Close results showed that the relationship between Quebec and the rest of Canada will continue to be a controversial issue
What Now? Canadian government does not want to allow Quebec to separate from Canada Huge economic help to country Rich in natural resources Access to many waterways (shipping & trade) Government has made several reforms in an attempt to keep separatists happy…
Reforms Government has passed several laws to help Quebec’s citizens preserve their language and culture 1982: The Constitution Act made Canada bilingual 2 official languages (English & French) All government documents must be written in French & English
In Quebec Today… French is the only official language English may be used in advertising, but it must be placed after the French words, and it must be smaller font Some people are happy with these changes, but other people still believe that Quebec should be independent from the rest of Canada
SS6H6a Why did the Europeans colonize Africa, Asia and the Americas?
Gold God Glory
SS6H6b What are the 4 main countries responsible for colonization?
Great Britain Spain France Portugal
SS6H6c Why did the United Kingdom colonize Australia?
The main reason was to relieve overcrowding in Britain's jails In addition, it was of strategic importance for Britain to have it's navy stationed in the area as Australia could be used as an economic base.
SS6H6d Why did European colonization end when WWI began?
Most of Africa was already colonized.
What sparked WWI?
1914 June 28 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to Austria-Hungary's throne, and his wife, Sophie, are assassinated by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip while the couple were visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia
Brainpop WWI
Describe the events that happened to Germany after WWI. SS6H7a Describe the events that happened to Germany after WWI. Name the treaty.
1919 June 28 - The Treaty of Versailles officially ends World War 1. Germany takes blame for the war German reparations of £6,600 million limitation of Germany's army to 100,000 men with no conscription, no tanks, no heavy artillery, no poison-gas supplies, no aircraft and no airships; (13) the limitation of the German Navy to vessels under 100,000 tons, with no submarines;
SS6H7a How did the Russian Revolution begin?
People were out of work Poor Starving
SS6H7b What was the Holocaust?
considered superpowers in the Cold War? SS6H7b How did the Cold War begin? Which 2 countries were considered superpowers in the Cold War?
SSH7c Name 3 changes that occurred when the Soviet Union collapsed.
Where did they come from originally? SS6H8a Who are the aborigines? Where did they come from originally?
SS6H9a Who colonized Australia?
What happened to the Aborigine people when the Europeans arrived? SS6H9b What happened to the Aborigine people when the Europeans arrived?
The End