These slides accompany ‘Tutor Time Activities: Rabecca’s story’ These slides accompany ‘Tutor Time Activities: Rabecca’s story’. There are 4 suggested activities that you could use depending on the time you have and the interests of your students.
This is Rabecca, she is 18 years’ old and lives in Zambia This is Rabecca, she is 18 years’ old and lives in Zambia. She’s an orphan and has to care for her brother and sister.
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Answer: A
Answers: 2. Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe 3. Orangutan 4. Mining industry 5. Father in mining accident, Mother in childbirth 6. Drop out of school and take on the role of parent 7. Washing neighbours’ clothes, clearing neighbours’ land, plaiting hair 8. Usually one meal a day 9. Comic Relief funds a project that support vulnerable young people to attend school. For Rebecca, the project pays her school fees (in Zambia, only primary education is free). The project also buys school equipment, uniform and shoes for those in need. And provides learning mentors in schools to support the young people. 10. Rabecca would like to be a teacher
Remind your pupils that the money raised through Red Nose Day helps fund a project that supports vulnerable children to go to school. If you have time you could discuss one of the following: Rabecca wasn’t able to go to school when her parents died because she had to earn money to buy food for her brother and sister. What would happen in the UK if a family was in this situation? How would you feel if you couldn’t go to school because you had to look after younger brothers and sisters? What do you think would be the worst thing? Longer term, what difference do you think it would make to your life? There are lots of young people in the UK who care for family members and still go to school. What difficulties do you think they face? Do you think there would be any similarities between them and Rabecca? The film states that an education gives children the best chance of a brighter future. Do you think this is true? What difference does going to school make in the long term?
Red Nose Day is Friday 13th March Comic Relief, registered charity 326568 (England and Wales); SC039730 (Scotland). RND15_154. Photo credit: Lucille Flood.