MGPA status Mark Raymond (4/9/02) Conclusion from preliminary study (July 02) Design which meets spec. looks feasible Design progress since July More realistic design now under simulation complete chip, all 4 channels simultaneously all transistor model (Ideal current sources/sinks now real components) can identify and eliminate/overcome any undesirable inter-channel effects transistor dimensions for much of design now at or close to final RAL meeting (1st Aug.) M.French, L.Jones Technical discussion on design and layout issues no major problems identified layout to begin ~ end Sept (Lawrence Jones) Lawrence to look after I2C interface and bias generator circuitry Areas still needing attention Noise highest gain channel (0 – 2pC, 0 – 50GeV) meets spec. with margin lower gain -> higher noise as V/I resistor increases (non-negligible noise contribution) (only recently perceived as problem) one solution is to redistribute gains between V/I and diff O/P Stages reduce Rvi -> lower noise but higher gain -> compensate by reducing diff O/P gain (currently 9) => all channels no longer identical on chip (probably not an issue?) All simulations to date for nominal process parameters – need to simulate process variation effects on performance Transmission line effects between APD and MGPA? Power supply rejection Target package -> may affect layout (common solution with ADC?) ADC interface & coupling CM level (need more dedicated meeting) ……… Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal
CSA V/I gain resistors external components define CR offset adjust define RC transconductance stage V/I source followers Bias generation I2C interface Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal
Pulse shapes: (out+) – (out-) highest gain (0 -> 2pC, 0 -> 50 GeV) next highest (0 -> 8pC, 0 ->200 GeV) higher gain saturates linear range linear range Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal
next lowest (0 -> 16pC, 0 -> 400 GeV) lowest gain (0 -> 60pC, 0 ->1500 GeV) 2 higher gains saturate 3 higher gains saturate linear range linear range Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal
linearity highest gain lowest gain peak pulse heights linearity [% fullscale] peak pulse heights fit linearity [(peak pulse ht. – fit)*100/fullscale] Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal
highest gain range out + (out +) – (out -) linear range linear range out - Sept, 2002 CMS Ecal