MLA Citation Practice 1
Part 1: MLA Style Overview
Works Cited Page = a complete list of EVERY source that you used in your research. provides the information necessary for a reader to find the sources you used. Found at the END of the paper. MLA Style: Two Parts
Works Cited Page Example
In-Text Citations = a tag inside of the essay that points the reader to the works cited entry. provides the information necessary for a reader to find the source on the works cited page. Found INSIDE of the essay. MLA Style: Two Parts
In-Text Citation Example
Part 2: Books
For each question, you have the publication information For each question, you have the publication information. You need to create an in-text citation entry and a work cited entry. You should use your MLA Citation Guide to help you create the in-text and citation entries. Do not forget the formatting rules (punctuation, spacing, etc.)! Instructions
Citing a Book: Basic Formula Author’s Name. Title of the Book: Subtitle of the Book. Edited by Editor’s Name. Publishing Company, Copyright Year. Burke, Jim. The English Teacher’s Companion: A Complete Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the Profession. Edited by Lois Bridges. Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1999. Citing a Book: Basic Formula
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Book #1 Answers Burton, Maurice, and Robert Burton. The World’s Disappearing Wildlife. Marshall Cavendish, 1978. (Burton and Burton 122). Book #1 Answers
Wysocki, Anne Frances, et. al. Writing New Media: Wysocki, Anne Frances, et. al. Writing New Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of Composition. Utah State Press, 2004. (Wysocki et. al. 207). Book #2 Answers
Part 3: Anthologies
Citing an Anthology: Basic Formula Author’s Name. “Article Title.” Title of the Anthology: Subtitle of the Anthology. Edited by Editor’s Name. Vol. Volume Number. Publishing Company, Copyright Year. “Saint Peter’s, Rome.” Renaissance. Vol. 9. Grolier Educational, 2002. Print. Citing an Anthology: Basic Formula
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“The Snow Woman.” World Myths and Folk Tales. Edited by Carolyn Logan. Vol. 2. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2006. Print. (“The Snow Woman” 140-143). Anthology #1 Answers
Van Gelder, Richard G. “Endangered Species.” The New Book of Knowledge. Edited by Joe Kenda. Vol. 10. Discovery Books, 1987. Print. (Van Gelder 137-138). Anthology #2 Answers
Part 4: Internet
Citing the Internet: Basic Formula Author’s Name. “Article Title.” Title of the Website: Subtitle of the Website. Day Month Year the site was Created/Updated/or Copyrighted, www.websiteaddress. Accessed Day Month Year. Kinnaer, Jacques. “The History of Ancient Egypt.” The Ancient Egypt History Site. 22 March 2010, Accessed 11 June 2010. Citing the Internet: Basic Formula
Your turn. We will correct the internet citations in 10 minutes
“Roman Religion” and “Vestal Virgins. ” The Roman Empire. 2007, www “Roman Religion” and “Vestal Virgins.” The Roman Empire. 2007, Accessed 23 November 2007. (“Roman Religion” 94-97). Internet #1 Answers
“Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication, The “Negative Effects of Facebook on Communication, The.” Social Media Today. 2009, Accessed 23 November 2011. (“Negative Effects” 112). Internet #2 Answers