Removal of redundant legacy standards Removal of redundant legacy standards. Standards of Service Sub Committee 22nd July 2010
Removal of redundant legacy standards In response to an action on xoserve from the April Standards of Service Sub - Committee meeting. SoS102 xoserve to review the removal of redundant legacy queries. Legacy Obligations include MSL15a Query Resolution TMS (I&C) <=4 days MSL16a Query Resolution TMS (Dom) <=4 days MSL15b Query Resolution TMS (I&C) <=10 days MSL16b Query Resolution TMS (Dom) <=10 days MSL15c Query Resolution TMS (I&C) <=20 days MSL16c Query Resolution TMS (Dom) <=20 days MSL17a Meter Assets >10,000 tpa MSL17b Meter Assets <=10,000 tpa These are standards that relate to Meter Assets which, due to RGMA, were removed from the Standards of Service. MSL17 Meter Assets is an obligation that still occasionally incurs failures and liabilities due to legacy meter assets that remain in the system.
Removal of redundant legacy standards Query Standards MSL15 and 16 were superseded due to the implementation of RGMA and replaced by TSL13 and 14. These standards related to historical queries that have now been resolved or cleared down. The section in code (S4.8.1) covering these redundant standards has actually been removed. xoserve has reviewed the relevant UNC sections S4, V10 and also the SoS Query Management Operational Guidelines and concluded that alteration to the report does not require a Modification. No data has been recorded against MSL15 and 16 since April 2005 after which time all queries have been covered by TSL13 and 14. With agreement from the SoS Sub Committee xoserve proposes to stop publishing data on MSL15 and 16 with effect from the August invoice issued in September. We will continue to provide data on TSL13 & 14 to meet our obligation under S10.3.4 of providing supporting data with each invoice.