Reminders Connect Schedule Mrs. Henley ~ 3rd Grade Classroom Website: Reminders Our classroom wish list is now online! Check it out using the link above. Please sign up for Class Dojo if you haven’t already. If you do have an account, please make sure you are checking the messages I send out. This is my primary form of communication to you! Please make sure you have purchased earbuds for your child to use with their laptop. These are essential. Please make sure you have put a deposit or payment toward the technology fee for your child’s laptop this year. Please make sure your child charges their laptop each night and brings it to school each day. What’s going on this week? Reading: We will wrap up our learning of how Text Features help us identify key details in a text. Quiz Friday! Math: We will wrap up our learning of how place value along with three digit addition. Quiz Friday! Science: We will continue our journey into the solar system! Writing: Cursive writing strategies! Connect Schedule Monday- Computer Lab Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Guidance Thursday- Library Friday-Music/Art/Spanish Upcoming Dates September 13th- 1/2 Day Early Release at 11:40 September 14th- BOG (Beginning of Grade Test). This is a very important day, please make sure your child is at school. September 20th- Fall Picture Day September 21st- Read to Achieve Night (Please Attend!)