Intro to Noodletools, and the Eighth Grade Capstone Project 6 o Start>Computer>TRN_Shared>date modified>TOR Library Media Center folder>date modified>Capstone 2017>Save to your number Go TOR! We’ve got this!!! Intro to Noodletools, and the Eighth Grade Capstone Project 6 o Presentation created by Lynn Murray, Media Specialist, Turn of River Middle School March 2017 Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
What’s the “big picture”? 1. Problem 2. Solution 3. Action Plan Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Capstone 2017 Resources TOR Media Center SCROLL DOWN to Destiny Book Catalog & SPS Database Access Destiny= Books & Encyclopedias!!! SPS Database text= Bigchalk & E-Library Grolier Newsbank Stamford Advocate Stamford City website Stamford Public Schools Stamford Public Library Hartford Courant New York Times Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Noodletools Login Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
What is Noodletools? It’s a website that allows you to cite your sources, create an outline, note cards and paper online! How exciting!!! Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Components= The three parts of Noodlebib: Bibliography, Notecards & Outline and Paper Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Research Steps using Noodletools Locate and read information about your topic. Create an outline to organize your ideas. Begin taking notes on your Notecards. Create your paper based on your Notecards. Create your Works Cited page based upon the alphabetized MLA citations from your notecards. Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Copy and paste this address… Let’s begin! Copy and paste this address… Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Register Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Created & Updated by Lynn Murray February 2016 Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission. Created & Updated by Lynn Murray February 2016
2017 Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Click on +New Project to begin a new research project. Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Create a new project Capstone 2017 Wonderful Student Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
The Dashing Dashboard Click here to type your RESEARCH QUESTION. Example=What are the problems and solutions associated with (your topic)? Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission. Created & Updated by Lynn Murray February 2016
Click on Notecards: Create an outline about your topic Click on Notecards: Create an outline about your topic. Click on Notecards and then click on + Add. Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Create an outline about your topic. Click on the text to type. Click on the green plus sign to add a subtopic. Click on the indent or outdent arrows to move the subtopic to the left or right. Indent/ Outdent Drug abuse Click on the text to type. Type questions/ subtopics about your topic to create your outline. Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Outline A. What’s the problem? B. Why is it a problem? I. Type your community service topic. A. What’s the problem? B. Why is it a problem? C. Who are the groups involved? D. Where is the problem taking place? E. When does the problem take place? F. How is the problem being dealt with now? Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Split the screen so this PowerPoint is on the left and Noodletools is on the right. Example: I Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Capstone 2017 Resources TOR Media Center SCROLL DOWN to Destiny Book Catalog & SPS Database Access Destiny= Books & Encyclopedias!!! SPS Database text= Bigchalk & E-Library Grolier Newsbank Stamford Advocate Stamford City website Stamford Public Schools Stamford Public Library Hartford Courant New York Tmes Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Step 2: Click on New Notecard to begin taking notes about your topic. Sample outline Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Note Cards (Book) Book What is the problem? Describe 1 Paraphrase or summary Bullets and Lists Book Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Note Cards (Internet) What is the problem? Describe 2 Paraphrase or summary Bullets and Lists Copy, paste and highlight text here. Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Note Cards on Dashboard Print>Export to Word Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Create your masterpiece based upon your notecards here! Open Word and split the screen to write your paper. Place Noodletools on your left and Word on your right. Look at your paraphrased information on the left to write your final masterpiece paper. Use the Paraphrase section of your note cards to create your paper. Create your masterpiece based upon your notecards here! Split the screen so your notecard is on one side and Microsoft Word is on the other. Create your masterpiece on the right! Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Sources 1 3 2 Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Create a Works Cited page Create a Works Cited page. Copy and paste the MLA citations from your Notecards in alphabetical order to create a Works Cited page. What is a Works Cited page? It's a listing of book and computer sources that you used for your paper or project. Each source (entry) is listed and alphabetized by its MLA format. It's the last page of your paper and it's entitled Works Cited at the top. Formatting requirements of the Works Cited page: Double spaced. Times New Roman font. 12 sized font. Hanging indent. The first line is not indented. All of subsequent lines are indented, however. Sample Works Cited Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.
Good job! You Rock!!! Lynn Murray. Capstone 2017. Please do not share without permission.