Student / Parent PowerSchool ID creation Unified Classroom Student / Parent PowerSchool ID creation
Student Navigate to (### = district abbreviation).
Student Click on Student Sign In.
Student Click on Create PowerSchool ID.
Student Enter your current Portal Username and Password, click Sign In.
Student Click Continue.
Student Enter desired PowerSchool ID (District email address). Enter Password. Retype Password. Click Create PowerSchool ID.
Student Navigate to Log on with new ID and Password.
Parent Navigate to (### = district abbreviation).
Parent With existing Portal account setup already. Click on Parent Sign In.
Parent Click on Create PowerSchool ID.
Parent Enter your current Portal Username and Password, click Sign In.
Parent Click Continue.
Parent Enter desired PowerSchool ID (District email address). Enter Password. Retype Password. Click Create PowerSchool ID.
Parent Navigate to Log on with new ID and Password.
Parent Navigate to (### = district abbreviation).
Parent Needing to create a Portal account.
Parent Click on Create Account
Parent Click on Create Account
Parent Enter Click Enter First Name Last Name Email Desired Username Password Re-enter Password Student Name Access ID Access Password Relationship Click Enter (Scroll to bottom)
Parent Click on Parent Sign In
Parent Click on Create PowerSchool ID.
Parent Enter your newly created Portal Username and Password, click Sign In.
Parent Click Continue.
Parent Enter desired PowerSchool ID (District email address). Enter Password. Retype Password. Click Create PowerSchool ID.
Parent Navigate to Log on with new ID and Password.
Issues we have encountered After creating an account for 1 student or 1 parent if you navigate back to (### = district abbreviation). You get directed to the Student and Parent Sign In page This can be addressed by clearing the browser’s cookies, closing and re-opening the browser.