Home of the Bulldogs
Smencils on Sale in Lunch Every Friday!!!
Bulldogs After School Upload pictures of your after school activities such as dance, cheer, karate, football, soccer… for a special feature in our yearbook!!! Upload using Replayit.com or the Replay it App!!
If anyone is interested in attending the KotoriCon Anime Convention on January 5th and 6th, a celebration of Asian culture with live music, comedy, panel discussions and meet-and-greets with famous voice actors, live-action role playing, gaming tournaments and screenings of tv shows please talk to Mrs. Conaway in C16 ASAP for discounted tickets.
Talent Show Auditions – December 4, 5 &7
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!! Kevin Bradley Sydney Brown Nina Cardamone Michael Dostillio Aidan Kenderdine Nicolas Lunt Jose Rivera Nicolena Kathryn Sabella Darius Santos Scheer Edward Tobler Casey Torbik Giana Torrie Faith Wahl Congratulations to our September Students of the Month!!
Grab and Go Breakfast is Now Available!!! Grab a breakfast and head to homeroom – available to everyone $2.25
8th Grade Prep Club Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-22
Anime Club
Drama Club Announcements Rehearsal Schedule is available on the bulletin board outside B-8
Computer Club Announcements Tuesday, 11/14 is for grades 6 and 7 only in C-13
6th Grade Homework/ Prep Club with Mrs. Finn Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in C-6
Newspaper Club Announcements Next meeting will be November 15 in C- 9 for all editors and staff
Digits Math Academy Monday – A11, Tuesday – C18, Wednesday – A3and Thursday – C32
Student Council Announcements Meeting on Thursday in A-1 only one representative from each HR
Adventure Club – Mondays in C32
If you are interested in joining PAWS, which stands for Promoting Animal Welfare Society – Contact Ms. Baud in guidance
Choreography Club Tuesday 11/28 in A-4 with Ms. Mallett Stop by to pick up a permission slip Don’t forget sneakers, water and comfortable clothes
Chemistry Club –in C-17
Sign up for Middle School Wrestling. Sign up for Middle School Wrestling. Physicals are due before the first practice. Give completed physicals to the school nurse. First practice is Monday, Nov 27th. Need paperwork or have questions, See Mr. Downey
The Next Township Tuesday is November 21 – Remember to wear RED!!!!
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