The potential for long-lead drought forecasting in the North American Monsoon region Dennis P. Lettenmaier Chunmei Zhu Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Washington Workshop on Managing Water Resources Under Conditions of High Climatic Variability in the US-Mexico Border Region January 13, 2003 La Paz, BCS, Mexico
Modeling Domain Domain is North America between 25º and 53º N Resolution 1/8º 77,000 grid cells through domain (56,000 in Continental U.S.) Model developed for 15 sub-regions Model forcing data (1949-2000) derived from observations Run at a 3-hour time step The domain is that studies by the Land Data Assimilation Project – North America, a NASA/NOAA/other instituion joint project which studies the possibility of improving land surface representation for initializing coupled climate models For hydrologic consistency, we divided the continental U.S. into 13 sub-areas, and placed the remainder into two areas for Canada and Mexico – I coordinated the work of many people were involved in separate simulations Calibration on sub-areas was performed on infiltration parameter, baseflow curve parameters, and to some degree, soil depth. 50+ years of simulation, coinciding with length of the Precipitation record, took 3 months to run on several machines, produced a terabyte of output.
Hydrologic Model VIC Model Features: Developed over 10 years Energy and water budget closure at each time step Multiple vegetation classes in each cell Sub-grid elevation band definition (for snow) Subgrid infiltration/runoff variability 3 soil layers used Non-linear baseflow generation VIC has been developed over the past 10 years at Princeton and UW. The VIC Model has been regionally (river basins like the Delaware and Potomac to larger ones like the Missouri and Columbia) and globally. It is designed to represent the land surface at scales from 1/8 degree (10-12 km) to 2 degrees (~200km) Performs full energy and water budget solution at time steps from hourly to daily. Distinguishing features are statistical sub-grid variability of vegetation, infiltration capacity, and elevation/temperature/snowfall.
Gridding Temperature and Precipitation Data Precipitation and Temperature from gauge observations gridded to 1/8o Avg. Station density: 1) Gridding: For each 1/8o grid cell, search radius set to include min. of 4 Co-op stations with data Inverse square distance weighting Min. and max daily temperatures lapsed from stations to grid cell (-6.5oC/km) 2) Radiation, humidity parameterized from Tmax and Tmin 3) Precipitation adjusted to account for the recorded time-of-observation at each Co-op station 4) Precipitation scaled to match long term climatology, to account for orographic and aspect effects in areas with sparse data coverage. PRISM mean for 1961-90: PRISM monthly average data at 1/24o (about 4 km) aggregated to 1/8o Scaling factors derived by month, applied to daily data Accounts for orientation and orography, and reduces bias due to observation point locations No adjustment is made for gauge undercatch, which would mean underestimation in snow-dominated areas. Lack of rescaling in Canada could also mean underestimation on precipitation in Canadian Rockies, since orographic effect would be underestimated due to lower station density, esp. in mountains. Most recent months (1/1999 – 7/2000) uses less reliable data from global, gridded data sets: 1-degree merged gauge/satellite precipitation and reanalysis temperatures. Area Km2/station U.S. 700-1000 Canada 2500 Mexico 6000 Within the U.S.: Precipitation adjusted for time-of-observation Precipitation re-scaled to match PRISM mean for 1961-90
Derived Meteorological Variables Certain meteorological variables not well observed Use parameterizations to derive them from better know variables (Tmin, Tmax, P) Humidity (Vapor Pressure) MTCLIM - Tdew estimated from Tmin (with aridity index based on Pannual and Rsolar) Downward Solar Radiation transmissivity estimated from Tdew, Tmax – Tmin Downward Longwave Radiation estimated from Taverage, humidity, atm. transmissivity Wind daily wind speed from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis One approach to dealing with estimating poorly observed meteorlogical data is to estimate them from better known variables. Dew Point: Kimball, et al. (1997) Downward Solar: Thornton and Running (1999) Longwave: Bras (1990) Wind: Kalnay et al. (1996)
Model Simulation for 50-Years Using VIC model, simulation run for 50 years at 3-hour time step Input Time series of spatial data One terabyte of output archived
Evaluation of Energy Parameterization Comparison with 4 SURFRAD Sites Obs VIC 3-minute observations aggregated to 3-hour Average Diurnal Cycle is for June, July, August 1996-99 Peak underestimated 3-15% at each site (avg. 10% for all sites) Daily average within 10%, (avg. 2%) Now I have a terabyte of model output, covering the entire domain for 50 years. This is a better resource than has been avaialble for past studies, which have generally relied on climate division data (344 of them in the US), so we have better resolution and a longer period. The lack of observations that motivated the simulation also limits the validation possibilities. Here we compare at 4 sites providing the highest quality (gold standard as far as quality controlled) radiative observations Here we validate the incoming shortwave radiation, which uses a cloudiness estimation in the model derived from Tmax and Tmin, and the Net long+shortwave radiation, which includes the model parameterization of surface temperature. Results show good agreement with daily average, at within 10% over all stations and withon 2% averaged over all stations. Some underestimation of the Peak radiation is seen, varying between 3-15%. Shortwave is paraterization of cloud cover Red lines include shortwave and longwave, so land surface temperature is included.
Comparison of Simulated and Observed Runoff Daily grid cell runoff routed to edge of grid cell Daily grid cell outflow routed through river network to observation point. Monthly hydrographs of routed daily flows can be compared to observations To validate with streamflow, the runoff from each grid cell is routed to the outlet, then aggregated through the stream network to the basin outlet point where streamflow is measured. Shorter simulation captures non-linear response of the land surface to surface forcing
6 Sample Hydrographs Good agreement of Seasonal cycle Low Flows Peak Flows Model Obs. This shows a blow-up of 6 of the hydrographs. Resulting monthly hydrographs, aggregated from daily flows, show good agreement of seasonal cycle, peak flows, and baseflow dominated periods Many additional incremental calibration points exist within each sub-basin.
Comparison with Illinois Soil Moisture 19 observing stations are compared to the 17 1/8º modeled grid cells that contain the observation points. Moisture Level Moisture Flux Variability Illinois Soil moisture data unique data set in length and area covered. Data for top 1 meter is compared with VIC Moisutre flux is the most important variable, since it is the component of the water budget, and is well simulated Variability is the C.V. ( of monthly simulated soil moistures. Model slightly underestimates interannual variability, but has good seasonal cycle. Persistence is measured as the autocorrelation of soil moisture anomalies, and represents the how rapidly an anomaly is dissipated – this is the characteristic exploited for predictability. Is also reasonably well simulated. Now we have built and validated the datasets needed to run VIC, and we have spatial and tmporally complete and consistent data sets of all land surface water (and energy) variables over 50 years, a terabyte of output. Data from 19 sites throughout the state, with data from 1/1981-8/96 This is compared with the average for 800 VIC grid cells falling in the area All soil moistures (both point measurements and grid cell modeled values) are adjusted by subtracting the minimum value that occurred during the simulation period, in order to remove the hydrologically inactive portion, analagous to a reservoir’s dead pool storage. VIC appears to have a low bias most of the year Monthly average fluxes are very well simulated by VIC Persistence and inter-annual variability characteristics are also well simulated. GIVEN THE SUCCESS AT REPRODUCING RUNOFF HYDROGRAPHS, WITH THE USE OF OBSERVED P (AND THE PHYSICAL REPRESENTATIONS OF SOIL MOISTURE AND RUNOFF PRODUCING PROCESSES) SUGGESTS THAT OTHER SURFACE FLUX AND STATE VARIABLES (ET & SOIL MOISTURE) ARE PROBABLY REASONABLE. THIS GIVES US CONFIDENCE IN USING THESE FLUXES AS A BENCHMARK AGAINST WHICH TO COMPARE COUPLED MODELS Remember the persistence characteristics Obs. Model Persistence
Predictability due to Soil Moisture Widespread predictability at 0 lead (1½ month) Little predictability in zones where winter runoff is high For summer runoff, significant predictability up to 3 seasons Predictability at greater than 1 season only in west. Some prediction of JJA runoff the previous Sept 1 in the west! What is evident from this is that the coincidence of runoff magnitude and predictability may be a better gauge of the importance of these predictabilities.
Hypotheses for Teleconnection between Sea Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture Teleconnection between SST and Precipitation The SST anomalies in the eastern Pacific Ocean in the antecedent winter were often linked to summer monsoon rainfall anomalies in thesouthwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. (Carleton, A.M., D.A. Carpenter, 1990, J.Climate, 3, 999-1015.) Feedback between Soil Moisture and Precipitation Soil moisture responds to Asian and Africa Monsoon precipitation variability and also affects the precipitation. (H.Douville, F.Chaauvin and H. Broqua, 2001, J. Climate, 14, 2381-2403) Correlation between SST and Soil Moisture on the Canadian Prairies Correlation analysis indicates that late spring/early summer North Pacific sea-surface temperature influences autumn soil moisture. (V. Wittrock and E.A. Ripley, 1999, Intern. J. Climatology. )
Exploratory Work on Teleconnection between SST and Soil Moisture Study Domain and Datasets Sea surface temperature: Extended Reconstruction of Global Sea Surface Temperature data set based on COADS data. (1847-1997) developed by T.M. Smith and R.W. Reynolds, NCDC. The original data resolution is 2ºlongitude, 2 º latitude. It was interpolated into 0.5 º resolution (The ocean domain is chosen according to the Bin Yu and J.M. Wallace’s paper, 2000, J. Climate, 13, 2794-2800) Soil Moisture: VIC retrospective land surface dataset (1950-1997). The original data with 1/8 degree resolution is aggregated into 0.5 º resolution.
Maximum Positive Correlation Coefficient SST has significant positive correlation coefficient with soil moisture in most areas even with lead time more than 9 months. Southwestern United States shows higher correlation Coefficient (greater than 0.6) with SST than Mexico region. June shows larger area with higher coefficient than other months.
Maximum Negative Correlation Coefficient SST tends to have positive correlation relationship with soil moisture than negative correlation.
Maximum Positive Correlation Most sea surface cells with maximum positive correlation are found in 20~30 N and 10S sea surface region.
Maximum Positive Correlation
Maximum Negative Correlation Most negative correlation is found in gulf of Mexico sea surface region.
Maximum Negative Correlation
Sea Surface Temperature Monthly First and Second PC SST first and Second PC altogether can explain about 80% variance
Predictability of Soil Moisture by SST First and Second PC Southwestern US area shows highest predictability (the highest variance explained is about 0.45)
June soil moisture predicted by SST First and Second PCs Last December SST first and second PCs can explain 44.1% variance of June soil moisture LDAS Data Predicted
June soil moisture predicted by SST First and Second PCs January SST can explain 32.0% variance of June soil moisture LDAS Data Predicted
Predictability of Soil Moisture by Precipitation Winter precipitation in the Southwestern US influences summer soil moisture especially for June and July.
Predictability of Soil Moisture by Precipitation and SST PCs The predictability increases by introducing precipitation. In some cells in the U.S. Southwest, as much as 70% of the variance can be explained.
Predictability of Soil Moisture by Persistence Soil moisture shows significant persistence even in at 6-month lead time especially for June soil moisture. Mexican part of the domain also shows high persistence for June soil moisture
June Soil Moisture Predictability by Persistence and SST PCs The highest variance explained is more than 90%. For June, over 40% of the variance is explained over most of the study domain, including Mexico.
June soil moisture predicted by Persistence and SST PCs LDAS Data Predicted Last December can explain 66.7% June soil moisture
SST and Persistence Persistence Introducing SST PCs benefits long-time lead predictability (of June soil moisture), but no significant benefits for less than 6-month lead time predictability.
Conclusions All of this is exploratory, but … “Some” potential for long-lead forecasting of soil moisture over NAMS region