Racism & Discrimination Mr. McDonald Minority Studies Unit 1
Fact vs. Opinion Fact – something that actually exists; reality; something known to exist or to have happened; a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Perception the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding. immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological; insight; intuition; discernment: Opinion a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
What Do You See?
Social Learning Social Conformity Discussion Questions First reaction? Would you do it? What does this have to do with our class?
Diversity What do you think are the percentages for the following groups at (a) Jordan, (b) Durham, (c) NC and (d) the US: American Indian Asian Black Hispanic White Other?
Diversity – Our School Black – 40% White – 39% Hispanic – 11% Asian – 6% Other – 4%
Diversity - Community Durham North Carolina https://durhamnc.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/1340 North Carolina http://censusviewer.com/state/NC
Diversity - Country Unit 1
Activity: Ask Questions Directions: I’m going to tell you a story. Listen carefully. All you can do when I am finished is ask questions. Do not answer my question!
Minority Group Minority Group – a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than do the members of a dominant or majority group Turn and talk: Problem with definition? Problems with course name? How else do we categorize people?
Unit 1
Minority Group Racial Group – a group that is socially set apart from others because of obvious physical differences Ethnic Group – a group set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns
Characteristics Experience unequal treatment (discrimination) and have less power over their lives Share physical or cultural characteristics that distinguish them Membership not voluntary Strong sense of group solidarity (panethnicity) Tend to marry within the group
Race What is Race? (from PBS: Race – The Power of an Illusion) Biological Meaning Blood Type Intelligence Quotient The Bell Curve (1994) Sociological Meaning Racial formation – a socio-historical process which racial categories are created, inhibited, transformed, and destroyed
Can You Identify? Unit 1
Racism Racism – The ideology that one race is superior to all others Discrimination – Unfair or less equal treatment; the denial of opportunities and equal rights Prejudice: A negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority
Activity: Origins Origins of Racism In groups of two to three, list and discuss all the origins of racism you can in the next few minutes. Rank the top five, in your opinion.
Stereotypes Stereotypes – unreliable generalizations about an entire group of people Question: Where do they come from? Fresh Off The Boat Activity: For each of the groups we will study, come up with 3-4 stereotypes
Consequences Expulsion Secession
Jordan THEN NOW Unit 1
Disintegration Integration vs. Desegregation Disintegration: The Word
Unlearn - Education Does race play a role in the way you have been received? Does race play a role in the way you have been taught? Have there been pivotal points in your childhood where you have been impacted by race? Explain.
Test Overview Logistics Bookbags in front of the room Desks in rows Honor Code on test Test Format Fill-in-the-Blank True/False Matching Short Answer
Review - Resources Class notes, lectures, discussions Article: “In the US, diversity is the new majority” and “Disney” Video: A Class Divided Reading: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (through Chapter 7) Online: “Race – The Power of an Illusion” (PBS) Sorting People, What is Race?
Review – Terms/Concepts See the list from class!