Origins of Sociology
Development of Sociology Social and political changes in Europe as a result of the Industrial Revolution & French Revolution Growth of urban population produced social problems How does urban life differ from rural life? It became difficult to ignore the changes in society
VideoS Industrial Revolution French Revolution
Auguste Comte
Auguste Comte Father of Sociology The French Revolution caused him to be interested in social order and social change Believed social behavior had to be studied scientifically Wanted to use scientific observation in the study of social behavior Sociology should be a science based on knowledge of which can be positive or sure Distinguished between social stability and social change
Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau Translated Comte’s Positive Philosophy She made many contributions in research methods, political economy, and feminist theory Saw a link between slavery and the oppression of women Strong and outspoken supporter of the emancipation of women and enslaved people
Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer Was a civil engineer but quit to study sociology when he inherited a large sum Compared sociology to the human body… Like a body, society is composed of parts working together to promote its well- being and survival Was a fan of Charles Darwin—Who was he? Social Darwinism Evolutionary social change led to progress If left alone, natural social selection would ensure the survival of the fittest society Said the poor deserved to be poor and the rich deserved to be rich Society profits from allowing individuals to find their own social class level without outside help or hindrance
Karl Marx
Karl Marx Did not see himself as a sociologist Thought sociologists should help change the world rather than just study it Thought society was divided into two classes (capitalists and workers) Said that capitalists own the means of production and the workers own nothing and work to produce needed goods Thought this system would only come to an end if the workers rebelled Communism
Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim One of the first sociologists to apply science to the study of society Society exists because of a broad consensus among members of a society Specialized roles make members of a society dependent on one another for goods and services Shoed that human social behavior must be explained by social factors rather than just psychological ones
Max Weber
Max Weber Was affected psychologically by the very different views of his parents, which led to a mental breakdown Was interested in separate groups of society This led him to study the effects of society on the individual Thought sociologists should uncover the feelings and thoughts of individuals (not just direct observation) Put yourself in other people’s shoes to see their point of view Must discover the personal meanings, values, beliefs, and attitudes underlying human social behavior
Sociology in America
USA! In 1892, the first department of sociology was established at the University of Chicago Following WWII, sociology departments emerged in universities across the U.S.
American Sociologists Jane Addams W.E.B. DuBois Booker T. Washington Robert Ezra Park George Herbert Mead Julian Samora